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Problem Near Wick Park

Started by jay, April 07, 2008, 04:08:35 PM

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northside lurker

I'd also like to offer my photography services.  I have a pretty decent camera that can take high-res photos in low-light situations if I have something to brace the camera with. (I don't have a full-sized tripod.)  I can also do video, but I doubt it would be as good as Allan's camera.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison

rusty river

Quote from: AllanY2525 on June 09, 2009, 11:12:45 AM

Please let me know if any of you are interested

Allan, I sent you a personal message.


Hey everyone...

Sorry nobody has heard from me on topics like this one, but I've been
working my butt off a couple blocks over on Woodbine Avenue.  I'm sorry
I can't offer more help, BUT....

I'm willing to advocate publicly for this property via the  "Bully Pulpit" 
of public Internet media.  My website streams mp3 audio, QuickTime and
Windows Media video.

I also have a small digital palm-corder that can transfer its tape to a Windows
PC with a cable.  It has infra-red and can see in zero light conditions and I have
a small backlight that would last a while with a full charge.

I would be willing to donate use of the camera for the purposes of a video
documentary of the house - all I would ask in return is to be there when the
house is taped, to see it with my own eyes.   

If the local news media doesn't want to step up to the plate and take some
interest in the fight to save places like this, then we need to take it to the
'Net with our own initiative.   If there are individuals who can photograph,
video and otherwise document the fight to save these places then I can and
will volunteer more disk space on the website.  This includes people's point
of view, editorial stuff, etc.

Please let me know if any of you are interested




A couple of properties owned by VanSickle are on the Mahoning County Sheriff sale list for tomorrow.  One on Illimois and one on Broadway.  I wonder if this house on Park will be on the Sheriff sale list this summer too??


It good to learn that something is being done with these properties.  I hope your efforts are successful.

Defend Youngstown

There is progress being made in attempting to salvage 259 Park (and several others along the Park that are owned by Mr. VanSickle). Much yet to hash out but there have been some developments, although preliminary. Just wanted to drop a quick update. More to follow.

Defend Youngstown

I totally apologize Jay. Anthony and I arrived at aprox 3:15pm. We were delayed by a downtown business owner who stopped us on the way to our vehicles regarding a matter with his establishment. He needed resolution on this matter a.s.a.p. Again, I totally apologize but will completely fill you in/discuss 259 Park situation with you at Monday's Downtown Community Meeting. My cell phone number is 330.519.8712 if you want or need to discuss prior to.


QuoteAnthony Kobak and myself are going to visit the property at 3pm Thursday. Jamie, everyone: please attend if you can make it. This is a group effort.

I arrived at 3:00 p.m. and waited until 3:15 p.m.   No one was there. >:(

Defend Youngstown

Hi Shar:

Defend Youngstown is in the process of filing for its 501(c)3 non-profit status and will eventually have a board and monthly meetings so that all folks can attend and be apart of whatever various projects throughout the city are ongoing. The general vision for DY's mission (at least at present) will be to create an "army" of volunteers for various projects throughout the city (looking at the Wean Foundation's grant request lists as one example). The hope is that this will help aleviate some of the "How can I get involved/what can I do?" questions that so many folks have. It's one more way to get involved.

Right now, DY is basically a one man operation/movement (me) and I kind of do the postings, shirt sales, Wick Park stuff on my "free" time (in addition to grad school at night). My full time job is with the city managing events, special projects, ect in downtown. Regardless, DY currently has 1 project underway in which any and all citizens, students, leaders, etc are encourage to be part of. This is the the Wick Park project. You can learn more about it, how to get involved, watch the video of our first community meeting, ect. by visiting the following website: For more on Defend Youngstown: Send me an email ( and I'll add you to the mailing list. You'll receive notice on future developments, meeting times, etc as they happen.

Thanks for reaching out, Shar! Hope to see you at our next meeting.

Also: NOTICE: I will be attending a funeral Saturday morning in PA for a college friend who passed away this week. Therefore, our informal meeting will need to be moved unless someone else wants to help organize. I will get any and all info to anyone interested in doing so. Anthony Koback and I will be going up to the property today. I did speak with Krik. After all assessments are complete (working on this) I think what will be needed it to contact northside neighborhood groups who are concerned and set a meeting within the next 10 days at Wick Park pavillion. I'll use whatever contacts I have via email and see if we can't generate a meeting in said time period. Others should do the same. I'm thinking next Sat April 19th @ noon. Will keep this board updated.


Defend Youngstown...Is that a meeting that anyone can attend??  If so, where and when will the meeting be held?  (If I missed the time and place in your posts somewhere, I apoligize)

Jaime Hughes

I just want to thank everyone for their undying support and words of kindness. Unfortunatly, my point was proved in the matter of "elite" groups in the downtown area. Remember what I said, Get your hands dirty in work, instead of worrying about meetings and politics. I have spoke to many college kids that wanted to get involved but felt like they couldn't because (as childish as this sounds), no one bothered to include them in anything going on. Once you really get involved you really see the whole grand picture. This is why Youngstown will never prosper to be beautiful like it once was. Even Hunter Morrison commented on the ungodly amount of useless organizations downtown, and that they were stepping on eachothers feet, he couldn't understand why we all couldn't just do something instead of wandering around talking to the Vindicator and holding meetings.

We were even told before that we were far to young to contribute to Youngstown and it's revolution. But honestly, I've given up on this whole saving Youngstown bit and it's not even the city that has taken a toll on me... it's everyone else.

Defend Youngstown


You and I spoke about 259 Park (and was even there the day the police were called when Corey and yourself were cutting the grass - I even believe I was the one who went to the station to notify the police...although it was to no avail). I believe our discussion led to looking into what Lien Forward Ohio had to offer. Like Westsider, there was no return phone call or follow up after an initial conversation. 259 Park is 2 homes away from where I live, on the southern boundary of the park we are attempting to organize the community to revitalize, and 1 block away from "Neighborhood 120" - a "target" neighborhood under the Youngstown 2010 plan. If you think it isn't a personal issue for myself and others, you're wrong. Perhaps simply asking myself and several others what the deal is, first, would be a good idea before lashing out on message boards - considering most individuals are not 18-19yrs old and in college, bringing with that the freedoms such a scenario affords. Most of us work, have families, and many other personal obligations but contribute how we can. Some don't' even live here and still contribute. The point is: It's wise to speak to folks first before before you assume to speak on behalf of their positions. The language of division is something we can ill afford in this city.

Regarding your comments about various "groups", I'd like some specific clarification because I'm a bit confused and, quite frankly, taken aback. Actually, I'm quite confused and have a series of questions I'd like for you to clarify on behalf of others if you would be so kind. I'll extend to you the curtsey - which was not extended to me - of addressing the issues personally (by phone and/or in person) and professionally (off of a community message board). Expect a phone call after the work day is through.

As for the matter at hand, I have acquired and copied the entire file from the building inspector's office, complete with citation letters, police reports, exterior and interior photos, auditors information, etc.

Anthony Kobak and myself are going to visit the property at 3pm Thursday. Jamie, everyone: please attend if you can make it. This is a group effort.

I also have a call into Mayor Williams to speak more about the potential spot eminent domain option as well as Kirk Nogen from the new Mahoning Valley Organizing Collaborative  about perhaps making 259 an example (if even salvageable at this point). Will follow up with all when I learn more. Hope to see you this week.


I watched a series on This Old House where an inner city brick house which was completely gutted by fire was completely restored. When they started, they thought it was hopeless, yet when it was done it was a showpiece. This was not the first house that was in similar condition that was restored.

Since this house was in Washington D.C. Allan might be able to do a little research on the organization there that was the lead organization on these projects, and we could form one here.

Here's the link to the Washington project.,,1142371,00.html

Jaime Hughes

I know Westsider, and I do appriciate you and your willingness to help. It's not really about the communities lack of's the other groups. A year ago when we were taking care of this house the other groups almost seemed to shrug us off and now all of a sudden they want to take this all on and save this house.

The house is full of mold, mildew, there are holes in the floors and the roof is caving in. The stairs are falling in now and all of the windows are busted out. I'm making the assessment because it would cost a lot of money to replace the wiring and that, but they took hammers and ripped thru the walls, thru the floors, you would have to replace a lot more than just the wiring. You need a new roof, new windows, a new front porch since its caved in, someone would have to come in and take care of the mold/mildew, the floor needs replaced, walls need replaced, the kitchen needs to be gutted and refinished.

I love this house. I really do, but there is a house for sale right next door to it with no luck, there are many houses/rooms for rent all up and down this street. Its just not feasable to restore, your going to put thousands of thousands of dollars into this house and no one may want to live in this house or you may not get anyone to rent it.

I didn't mean to offend the community, this quarrel isn't with the community (who has been more than supportive), it's with the childish, pointless organizations. It's turning into there not about Youngstown but about how much they can get into the public eye...why can't we just be Youngstown Citizens banding together and taking care of our city? So I apologize to everyone about this.

northside lurker

Jaime, I offered to help more than once last year.  But I never heard back from you.

What makes you say the house is beyond repair?  Is the house structurally unsound?  Have you seen the before pictures of the houses Allan is working on?  If you're making this assessment based on the ripped out plumbing, wiring, and HVAC, keep in mind that much of it would probably have had to be replaced anyway.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison