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Kids Worse Off Today On Ted Strickland's Watch

Started by irishbobcat, August 10, 2010, 09:32:09 AM

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Rick Rowlands

Cool!  I don't suppose the legislation got through Conress though.

Rick Rowlands

Ah, I remember the days when it was the responsibility of the parents to provide for their children.  Whatever happened to that quaint notion?

More children may be receiving government assistance because the qualifications to enroll in the various programs have been loosened.  That in itself results in more enrollment, and then that data is interpreted as meaning children are suffering. 

The one thing that is never talked about is that a lot of these children do not have to be born.  Not having children is always an option, and for those with low incomes that may be the prudent choice.  Abstinence, contraception and abortion are three effective means to reduce the birthrate.  This helps alleviate two problems.  First, it reduces the number of children that are not being properly cared for , and second, it reduces the amount of resources that would have been used up had they been born. 

Reducing the birthrate solves so many problems, but why is it never offered as an option?


Kids Worse Off Today On Ted Strickland's Watch

A child advocacy organization's report shows there's room for improvement in providing for the welfare of Medina County's children.

Mead Wilkins, director of Medina County Job and Family Services, presented the 2009 Ohio KIDS COUNT statistics to county commissioners a few weeks back. They showed that in many categories area children are economically worse off than they were several years ago.

"What it's shown is that children are falling through the safety net," Wilkins said.

The Children's Defense Fund-Ohio, a nonprofit organization, recently released the publication, which contains data regarding children's welfare in Ohio and for each county. The report compares the most recent data available in four categories — economic security, health, education and safety — to data from 2001.

The numbers showed the economic well-being of Ohio children has declined. More children are living in poverty, receiving food stamps and in public health care programs.

Wilkins said the numbers will be an important tool in showing state lawmakers that funding and legislation is important in protecting children.

What future funding under Ted Strickland? Hasn't the Governor's office already told Ohio agencies to brace for another 10% cut to budgets for the next budget cycle?

Under Ted Strickland's leadership over the past four years, children in Ohio have suffered, because Ted Strickland has dropped the ball with his continued funding cuts and the lack of any plan to turnaround Ohio.

Can we afford another four years of Ted Strickland's agenda for our children? How many more children must fall through the safety net under Ted Strickland's watchful eyes? Yes sir, If we keep Ted in charge, all of Ohio's children may one day get to live in a chicken coop in Duck Run like the Governor.

Dennis S. Spisak-Green Party of Ohio Nominee for Governor

for more information, contact 330-503-1407