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Wick Park Lamp Post

Started by jay, August 05, 2010, 06:11:57 AM

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alllan there were four policeofficiers at the pool throughout the summer but thier presence did not help.

Rick Rowlands

Like that will ever happen.  Its easier to shut down the pool than get the YPD to arrest and lock up criminals.


Quote from: iwasthere on August 30, 2010, 01:15:50 PM
keep us posted. i know the neighbors around the northside pool are going to start a petition to shut down the northside pool for good due to the violent and disrespectful behavior from the pool attendees.

The solution is NOT to shut down the pool for good.  The solution is to shut down the PEOPLE who are
causing the problems AT the pool - lock their a$$es up and let the rest of the decent folks that try to
enjoy themselves at the pool do so in peace.

Rick Rowlands

You mean the pool that got the stimulus money?  That pool has already garnered national attention because of the pork spent in reopening it, and now the locals want to see it closed down for good!  Oh boy, where is Rush's address.... He'll love this one!!!


Quote from: DefendYoungstown on August 26, 2010, 10:12:45 PM
The only update I can offer is that they have been reported (along with the light posts with burnt out light bulbs). We plan to have someone from the city provide an explanation at our next Wick Park Neighborhood Association meeting if the situation isn't corrected by that time.
keep us posted. i know the neighbors around the northside pool are going to start a petition to shut down the northside pool for good due to the violent and disrespectful behavior from the pool attendees.


The only update I can offer is that they have been reported (along with the light posts with burnt out light bulbs). We plan to have someone from the city provide an explanation at our next Wick Park Neighborhood Association meeting if the situation isn't corrected by that time.


I walked through Wick Park this evening.  The lamp post has not been removed or repaired.


The electricity for the lamp is probably supplied by an underground cable.  It might not be a good idea to pound metal stakes in the ground around the lamp post.

northside lurker

Quote from: Rick Rowlands on August 11, 2010, 08:37:22 PM
Such is the bizzaro reality of modern society.

Not that I disagree, but, if a person got hurt while trying to fix the lamp post, even without the city's permission, they could probably still sue the city for damages.  They may lose, but the city would still have to pay to defend itself.  So, they would probably want to discourage such acts of good will.

Remember, we now have warnings on coffee cups that let us know that the contents may be hot.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison

Rick Rowlands

Such is the bizzaro reality of modern society.


The city would probably charge you with vandalism.

Rick Rowlands

That would be my solution.


Here's a really novel idea:

Could someone just drive over to Wick Park, with a couple of
painted black metal stakes and a sledgehammer and a couple
black nylon cable-ties and just doctor the damn thing up a little?

The lamp post is leaning.  It is NOT torn out of the ground [YET],
and would easily be patched up until it can be replaced.  Two or three
well-placed metal stakes will make it stand upright, just like a young wounded

Problem solved.


Looks like a safety hazard to me, someone should tear it all the way down. Then we can deposit it the mayors office to remind him that its broke.


Let's get back to reality for a minute here.

This isn't a quality of life issue. It's a broken lamp post.

If it's broke it probably needs replaced. Does the park have a spare just sitting around? Is replacing it even a park dept job? Is it even a city job, or does Ohio Edison have to replace it? Are there more important things that are already scheduled? Will more important things come up before it's fixed? So many questions.....

And for the record, I don't believe for two seconds that it would get fixed any faster in the villiages, towns and townships.