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WRTA Station = Rat Trap

Started by Towntalk, May 17, 2010, 12:25:53 AM

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 >:(I had to take my cousin to catch the"Hound" Once on a Saturday, and once on a Sunday. The same guard was there both times. The place is so dirty. My cousin said it was alright for me to go. I said, NO! On Saturday, when WRTA is running, there is a strange feeling of uneasiness. On Sunday, no WRTA, nobody around until the next Greyhound was due. I didn't see the guard until the bus came. I don't know where he was.


Rick is right about the offices being too far removed from the day to day operation of the transit system.  I've observed some buses running the route way ahead of schedule (10+ minutes).  The dispatcher does not know this because the dispatcher is not located at the downtown station.

Some drivers are very conscientious though.  If running slightly ahead of schedule, he/she will pull to the side of the road and wait  a few minutes to get back on time.


if security was doing their job the bus station would not look like a rat's nest.

northside lurker

I agree with Jay.  There IS security at Federal Station, but they can't be everywhere at once, and I think it would be a bad idea for them to linger in the restrooms.

At least the pavement issue should be fixed fairly soon.

I agree with those quoted in the article that an indoor facility is necessary.  Every time I've taken a Greyhound, I've had to sit in that station for a few hours waiting for the bus.  This can be very uncomfortable in winter or the hottest parts of summer.  I've also had to wait in Federal Station because most transit buses run only on the hour, (and sometimes only every other hour) and I've had to wait in the station for the next available bus.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


where is security? where is the board? where is wrta administration? they are asleep at the wheel. these kind of articles will not help convince the voters in 2013 to renew the levy. the individuals that are responsible for this mess must become proactive to correct this position immediately to gain public confidence before 2013 property tax renewal. :(

Rick Rowlands

WRTA has created an atmosphere of lawlessness at the Federal Station, so vandalism runs rampant.  Would this problem exist if the WRTA offices were located at the same place as the station, and the main entrance to the main office was located inside the station's concourse?   I think not!   But being a block away, its out of sight, out of mind!


There are two main problems.

There are misfits living in the city who ride the buses and trash the WRTA facilities.

The WRTA board members, for the most part, do not ride the buses or visit the bus station.