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Started by ForumManager, March 29, 2010, 08:40:51 AM

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Someone has reported about clicking on a message and getting a blank page. 
Not sure if this is a personal message or forum threads.
Please post here if you are having the same issue and the exact time it happened so I can peruse the error log to get to the bottom of it.
It could be because I have been  working on the forum CSS file and not shutting the forum down to do so. 


Quote from: westsider on April 01, 2010, 10:06:44 AM
The only small issue I've noticed so far is that, when I get a reply notification email, it is still generic: "Discussion Forums," instead of MVinfo, or whatever it was. (I receive these at home, and I'm currently at work, so I don't remember the name they had.)
Thanks for the note.  I changed the title to be generic while I was working on the header.  I will change it.

northside lurker

The only small issue I've noticed so far is that, when I get a reply notification email, it is still generic: "Discussion Forums," instead of MVinfo, or whatever it was. (I receive these at home, and I'm currently at work, so I don't remember the name they had.)
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


Thanks for positive comments every body.  Please let me know about glitches or missing graphics.  There are always glitches!
I've received a report that the editing icon rows on the page where you make posts or send messages are overlapping each other.  Let me know if that is happening on your screen too.

Quote from: AllanY2525 on March 30, 2010, 05:11:20 PM
One of these days, I really need to start learning PHP and CSS.
I've been toying around with it a little on the web site, but mostly I'm just using stuff
I find on the Internet and modifying it to suit my needs.

The problem with PHP - at least when you use a database to store your content ...  is that if your database goes down - your website bites the dust too.  Something to be said for standard html.

I love your Youngstown website, Allan.  It is a positive for our community.  I also like Towntalk's online galleries. I find myself wondering what the town would looked like today if  our go getters hadn't torn down the old buildings to make room for modern high-rises.

Recently the main MV site was upgraded and the new version of the software doesn't meld correctly with the directory link software so I am rebuilding the front page modules manually  - I will definitely be adding both sites back as MV favorites.


Thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :)
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


It's easy on the eyes, clear to read and I like the way the basic color (grey background)  and design are still the same. I like the new look very much, nice job!


The new "look" will take a little getting used to, but personally I like it.  It's nice and "clean".

I see you have already been replacing the missing graphics, like the logo at the top left
corner of this page...

Keep up the good work!  One of these days, I really need to start learning PHP and CSS.
I've been toying around with it a little on the web site, but mostly I'm just using stuff
I find on the Internet and modifying it to suit my needs.



Quote from: AllanY2525 on March 29, 2010, 10:06:53 PM
Did you have to migrate the database of messages under the old boards templates to the new ones?

No migration so to speak, backed up the database and held my breath... always worry. There were a few database changes when I ran the upgrade script  - some tables were modified, some added.  We could  probably use the old template with some tweaking but I don't want to leave any security holes open since this was a major version upgrade.  I'm fiddling tonight so if things look goofy now and then that is why.   I can see some minor issues.  If any visual issues crop up that interfere with reading or posting,  please  let me know.  Jay already informed me of some issues he saw.


Did you have to migrate the database of messages under the old boards templates to the new ones?


A note- when you are using the post window - you will need to use the last icon on the second row of tools to toggle between seeing the old tags and not seeing them.
It is the  arrow in a bracket


As you can see the forum has changed.  The newest upgrade came with the template you see in shades of blue  - changed to grays/black to match the old site.
Not sure if I'm sold on the new look, still need to incorporate the scanner logo, the MV logo and links to the main site.
If I want to use my old template, I'll need to hand code add-ons such as the new  ignore feature and the list of users online  today so instead  I took the easy road.

I think this new template should load faster for most users. Still need to tweak some colors to make things easier to read on some pages, like the calendar.
Please be patient.  I have many tasks on my plate this week.

Hope you all like the ignore feature.

Please let me know if you have any problems.