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Downtown Pizza Shop

Started by jay, January 23, 2010, 06:25:53 AM

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rr you must have a bad ear i always had this tune. you must be hard of hearing. ;) ;D you name the nite i will be there.

Rick Rowlands

You have changed your tune!!  Good for you! When is pizza night?


ytownshrimp and i did have an honest conservation about our opinions on how we can help the mahoning valley at the end of the day we did not come out shooting but out by shaking hands with an understanding we are here for one other to each other out. rr thinks i have disdain for him but i do not. he has his opinions and i have my opinions at the end of the day compromises must be made for the good of the community. tomsino is open late in the evening anyone for pizza in the evening this week?

Rick Rowlands

I don't share your opinion Ron.  Actions speak louder than words.


Good statement iwasthere!  I must say, iwasthere has truly taken the high road and came to visit me at my store and faced me mano e mano.  Which is more than I can say about many of the masked raiders here.  We may all have our differences, but at the end of the day, we are all on the same listing ship.  I know many mean well here and many of us make mistakes, but I feel if we really want to help the Valley, we need to be honest with ourselves and take off the mask and face each other in honest educated debates.  Maybe then we can fix this place.


let all of us meet down at tomsino restuarant for dinner. we can have a pizza eating contest. :D


Could we possibly get back to the discussion of the downtown pizza shop.... anyone?



Quote from: Rick Rowlands on February 19, 2010, 06:45:59 PM
Thats just the kind of person that iwasthere is. He has no good in his heart, and no wisdom in his head.
rr and your frds can have your opinion about me but i consider the sources.


Quote from: Rick Rowlands on February 19, 2010, 06:45:59 PM
Thats just the kind of person that iwasthere is. He has no good in his heart, and no wisdom in his head.
rr and your other frds on this board can have your opinion about me but i consider the source.

Rick Rowlands

Thats just the kind of person that iwasthere is. He has no good in his heart, and no wisdom in his head.   


Quote from: iwasthere on February 11, 2010, 12:31:26 PM
rr that museum is the only contribution you have done in your life. i have not heard from you that  you have done anything eles with your time with other projects. there are people on this board that are involved in other community projects that are not spaghetti dinners fundraisers. the jewish community is having a spaghetti for second harvest to replenish the second harvest food stock. rr will you buy/contribute to this cause? or are you going to use your museum as your only cause  in your life that you support? your museum, does it has help to people that are hurting financially, the unemployed, and the downtrodden? if it does, i will be the first one to contribute to your museum success. will i see you at the hospice of the valley's mardi gras party this weekend?
Why attack a person for doing good things? I find it rather irritating you are attacking someone who has helped out for good causes in the past. Who cares the number of times they have helped, all that is important is that they have actually gone out and done good things for society.

Go ahead and try to demean the guy, but you are the ignorant one in this argument.

"Success is a ladder that cannot be climbed with your hands in your pocket"


Rick Rowlands

No you will not see me at any of those events.  I have nothing more to give.  I wish I was flush with money and time to contribute to other causes, but that simply is not the case.   My other volunteerism projects revolve around preservation of industrial history, which is where my interests are.  I can do more good by focusing my efforts on that area than in spreading myself out so thin that what would be left would merely be drops in many different buckets.

But since you must know, ever since I was in high school I have contributed to these projects at various times:

volunteer at the Greenville, PA Railroad Park
Vice President and board member of the Western Pennsylvania Railroad Historical Society
led a volunteer project to restore a blowing engine at the historic Bethlehem Steel plant in Bethlehem, PA
participated in an effort to restore a triple expansion water pumping engine in Buffalo, NY
volunteer with the Little Beaver Industrial Museum in Darlington, PA
volunteer with the PL&W Railroad when they were running tourist trains between Rogers and Negley
volunteer with the Buckeye Central Scenic Railroad in Newark, OH
board member of the Friends of the Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor
charter member of the Mahoning and Shenango Valley History Club

I am also working on several more projects at the current time, the biggest one is moving another big steam engine from Severstal in Steubenville, OH to the Heritage Park.  This project also will include the recording of the plant and inclusion of photographs and data into the Historic American Engineering Record. I am also providing assistance to an amish sawmill owner in Missouri who is restoring a steam engine which he plans to use to operate his sawmill, and I am trying to broker a deal to save another historic steam engine at a plant in Massachusetts.

You only see a small part of my volunteer involvement on this forum.  Perhaps in the future you may wish to at least respect others who have demonstrated a commitment to volunteerism, even if it is not in an area that you consider important. We are both passionate about the causes that we believe in.  We have heated debates on this forum, but to me those debates end when I close my browser.  I would never intentionally take an action to undermine any effort that you were involved with.  I might state that your ideas are crazy or counterproductive, but that is as far as it goes.  You on the other hand have carried our internet disputes into actions meant to cause direct harm to my organization.  It was not good enough for you to counter my online arguments with superior arguments from your side, but you made a backhanded sneak attack meant to undermine the ability of a nonprofit organization to conduct its fundraising. You have never apologized for doing so, and I believe that your vindictiveness would cause you to attempt to cause my organization harm in the future should the opportunity present itself.    This is where we are different.  I know where to draw the line.  You see no line.


rr that museum is the only contribution you have done in your life. i have not heard from you that  you have done anything eles with your time with other projects. there are people on this board that are involved in other community projects that are not spaghetti dinners fundraisers. the jewish community is having a spaghetti for second harvest to replenish the second harvest food stock. rr will you buy/contribute to this cause? or are you going to use your museum as your only cause  in your life that you support? your museum, does it has help to people that are hurting financially, the unemployed, and the downtrodden? if it does, i will be the first one to contribute to your museum success. will i see you at the hospice of the valley's mardi gras party this weekend?

Rick Rowlands

I've spent fifteen years of my life plus over tens of thousands of dollars of my own money to create an asset for the community.  But that is worth nothing if I do not attend a spaghetti dinner?  I suppose my efforts to help keep the steel museum open do not count either.  Nor do the two huge collections of documents and papers that I have donated to the MVHS and OHS over the years.  That doesn't count either.  Nope, those are trifling contributions compared to the almighty ticket to a spaghetti dinner!