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tim ryan places jay williams as the speaker at the stonewall democrats meeting

Started by iwasthere, May 27, 2009, 12:27:58 PM

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Sgt do not waste your time in moving Ryan from office when jimbo comes home in september, it will be a new day in town with a new sheriff policing the antics of the local politicians. stay turn as AL Jolson use to say, "you ain't heard nothing yet". this post has created some sensation for the last few days. if more people were active in their city's civics antics  like we have on this board local,state and federal officials would have no peace of mind and would have to watch their backs, sleep with one eye open while the other is closed. Sgt, i apologize for my anti-view of you when i came down with a heavy hand with your comment.


I can understand most of what you tell us you are feeling as I have been to the Dachau camp 3 times. It was a horrific time and place. No one needs to preach to me about those horrors.

However this is not NAZI Germany And my views on gays in the Military have nothing to do with your Jewish heritage. In fact my views have little to do with you at all.

And all that may have happened to you and your family does not make me a racist.

Facts are also that I will do all I can to make sure that Mr Ryan leaves Washington next election. He and his staff need to get out of the peoples business.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


iwasthere ... Besides having lived through th latter part of that era, (Born in 1939) and haveing a large collection of newscasts (audio) of war reports during WWII, I can understand where you are coming from. It was horrorable.


Tim Ryan was asked three years at the campbell VFW hall why he did not sign on as sponsor for a bill that might become law concerning discrimination against the glbt military personnel. he said he had his reasons, but he would not elaborate on them when asked several times that morning. he never gave a religious or political response. sarge this is a discussion based on people's opinions. i reacted to your response with a heavy handed opinion against you due to my past experience in my personal and my family's life. i do not take kindly to any discriminations on any basis in one's personal, career, political, religious and etc... life. i was denied promotions at my formal place of person due to my political, union and sexual orientation those right there are outright discrimination cases. my family could have been wiped off the face of the earth if Hitler had his way with Mussolini () when Hitler controlled Italy during ww2. i have Jewish linage in my family bloodline but my entire Italian/American family were/are raised in the catholic faith. my Zia Lucia ran an underground railroad with the assistance from the Vatican that saved 87% Jewish Italians from the gas chambers. MIA Zia Lucia sono caught and she spent several years in the German workcamp, which was no picnic. she would break down with tears when telling about her experiences at the camp. the only thing i remember was the physical scar or tattooed number that was on her left arm. Sgt these things i tell you that you open a can of worms with me with my postings that did not set well with me. i do not want another holocaust that took twelve million lives away from 1939-45. there are many personal stories that are going by the wastesides concerning this dark world's history. if, you have grandchildren of teenage years that listen to present day music, Hitler would put them in the concentration camps for fuel for the ovens because he put to death 200,000 teenagers during his terrifying reign due to they listen to jazz and swing music that was the rage for that age populace. swing kids is the movie about this subject. Sgt i do respect you but i do not respect your opinion about gays in the military.

rusty river

While I don't agree with that stance and would demand data and hard facts rather than politically or religiously based opinions as justification, I do appreciate you shedding some light on what the rationale is.


The local Police, fire departments and Medical services to not spend the amount of time living with and depending upon each other as does the Military. (although they do to much more of an extent than most civilians). And I am not an expert on any of these groups.
Please remember that I have nothing personal against gays and have had my step son and partner live at my hose for several months.

The train of thought when I was in the military and that I still believe is that Gays in a Unit are detrimental to the morale and over all comradship of the unit.

   And in these recent years I'm yet to meet anyone who has taken either side who has changed their mind because of what someone else said. And that is why I said that was enough. Remember I retired the same year that Don't ask Don't tell began. Prior to that any Gay was simply discharged immediately and yes if you thought they were gay you could ask. And probably many were discharged who weren't.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>

rusty river

Sarge, I'm not asking you to change your stance. I'm just asking why you think the way you do. I don't have any military experience. You do. Since my tax dollars pay for this country's military operations, (and your retirement benefits) I feel that I'm entitled to know what policies are going to better enable our armed forces to protect this country and the justifications behind them.

Is it fair to assume that you also feel that gays should not be a part of state or local police forces? What about other public safety positions, like with fire departments or medical services?



    Simply because I'm an old Sergeant who isn't going to change. And thats enough about that.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>

rusty river

Quote from: sfc_oliver on May 27, 2009, 09:26:00 PM
Just about the only thing I might agree with Ryan on. Sorry but this old Sergeant cannot accept gays in the Military.

Why not?


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The forum software automatically filters language and replaces it with other more acceptable words.

Please watch your language.

There are plenty of other local forums online where name calling and foul language are abundant. 

I'd like to think that we are above all of that.

As always thank you for using the Mahoning Valley BBS.

Have a good day!

Forum Manager




Once again, Neo-con? I have been a conservative my entire adult life nothing Neo about it. And I do not play any prejudices against gays. I just happen to know about the Military environment (which you obviously do not) and I have a gay stepson in case you missed that in an earlier post.  I have no paranoia about gays either, I have had my step son and his partner living in my house for months at a time.
Now I did not mention IQ I said I am not stupid. And if you told me to my face that I dishonored my Uniform then believe me Sir you would be in the hospital and I would be in jail. I am very proud of my service and will not allow a wannabe politician attack that service.

I suggest you simply stop any correspondence to or about me, and I will do the same. My cardiologist doesn't like it when I get upset. And this forum wouldn't either.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>



You are a typical neo-con conservative. You rant against the evils of big government (which you were a part of);you play to the perceptions and prejudices of the common man against gays; Your appeal is to nothing more than backlash and paranoia.

I would rethink your statement regarding I.Q. if I were you. You dishonor the uniform you like to represent.



No Sir,

         When someone attacks a statement I made as my opinion and accuse me of being some super racist, And then imply that I did not earn nor deserve my retirement and other benefits. Then Sir they have opened themelves as fair game.

I have said many times that I am a simple Old Sergeant, But we old Sergeants are not stupid. You want to be a congressman;  suggest you start acting like one.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>