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Urgent Ohio Voters- House Bill 70 Animal Cruelty-Needs your help!

Started by nitrofoundation, May 15, 2009, 11:37:36 AM

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House Bill 70 was recently introduced to increase the penalities for mistreatment of Companion Animals from a misdemeanor to a felony. Representative Gerberry introduced this bill at the request of Prosecutor Jay Macejko and the outcry of people demanding justice for the High Caliber K9 Steve Croley horrific case in Youngstown, Ohio and ALL abused companion animals.  In October 2008 this kennel owner starved to death 7 dogs and 12 more dogs were found barely alive. This man received a slap on the wrist, only 4 months jail time plus fines for starving 7 dogs to death and abusing 12.

Ohio is only 1 of 5 states that abuse to companion animals is not a felony. In 45 states animal abuse is considered a serious felony crime.  On May 13, 2009 there was a hearing for this house bill and without the support of the people this bill could die in committee.  We cannot allow this bill to die in committee. We cannot allow animal abuse to continue and with little to no punishment to those who commit such horrific crimes to our companion animals and the people who love them.

Every day we say we're going to do something to help animals – Today is our chance – We are their Voices and Every Voice makes a difference!  If we do nothing, nothing ever changes.

Please write to your State Representatives in support of House Bill 70 – a list of Representatives can be found here:

Please start a petition in your community, your dog club, your organization, etc. – please get signatures along with full name and address.

We have a petition on our website

On behalf of the dogs who suffered and those who died at High Caliber K9, ALL abused animals, and on behalf of all companion animals and animal lovers we thank you for your support.

Please take action now. Thank you.