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‘I Shop Locally’ promotes successful economy

Started by irishbobcat, May 10, 2009, 06:38:05 AM

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In the past, I compiled a list of businesses which were no longer in the city of Youngstown.  In most cases, there are many of these business types located in the suburbs around the city.  Follow this link to see the list.


Captain John:

You made my point and I thank you.

You have a great many contacts and it would be a good opportunity to meet with them to organize a Youngstown Board of Trade, and to publish a complete directory of all the businesses within the city limits. I'm sure the city has such a list for tax purposes, and if that list were categorized into a directory made available to the general public at a reasonable price and containing ads and coupons, it may inspire the local businesses to organize and run ads in the Vindicator.

john r. swierz

      If one realizes that downtown Youngstown includes the entire area that is inside the freeways( check out a map) then you would realize that there most likely is over 250 business' in that area. Just to
name a few areas ,the university district, Wick Neighbors(future), Mahoning Commons, Medical mile (partial).

       Most people think that the Central Business District, Front St .to Commerce St is Downtown, when in reality it is not.


If an organized group (a business trade association) were to approach the local media about promoting Youngstown businesses with special sales such as "Moonlight Madness Sales"; "Dollar Day Sales", etc, the media would jump on it.

The question is, how can we get the local stores to get organized.

Since there are very few stores downtown, we should start thinking about a single Board of Trade for the entire city.

Advertizing isn't cheap and I seriously doubt that the downtown stores could afford the kind of advertizing that we use to see in the papers.


Off the top of my head: Baird Brothers, Do-Cut, Anginettis, T R Party Rentals, Elmos Bras, Boardman Hobby,The Elmton, Austintown Hobby, Bits-Bytes and Pieces, Girard Hardware, Tri-Changes Salon, Chris's Dairy Cream, the list goes on and on. All in the suburbs and all locally owned small businesses (AFAIK).

Actually now that I've named some places I realize that youngstowners have no choise but to leave the city to buy many items because they aren't available in the city.


When you talk about shopping in Youngstown, you are mostly talking about locally owned small businesses, not the huge franchise shop blocks that cover 224 and 422.....


Youngstown, Youngstown, Youngstown.

Why should this shop locally campaign be limited to only Youngstown?

If shopping local means Youngstowners not crossing the border to spend money in the suburbs should the suburbanites spend money only on their side?

Are we not all in this together?

john r. swierz

     I will agree with that to a point.  Once they see a bigger customer base, they will think about advertising, that could lead to organizing to  reduce the cost that comes with advertising.  I would think that it would be difficult for customers to force them to form a DBT. Thats my nickels worth.


It's taken private citizens to get the shop Downtown days on thursdays, it may take private citizens to get this type of project together.....

john r. swierz

   What is needed downtown is the establishment of a Downtown Board of Trades . One that is run by the business' and not the city.  Several years ago, Dan Rossi(FEIC), FR Ed Noga, the late J. Kenneth Gran
and I tried to get one organized. It was undermined and did not happen.  With a group such as    mentioned the Vindy would be part of, and that organization would have money to advertise.
   When the past group was in place, one of the things that the business' did was to give tokens to customers to pay for parking.


You would think the Vindy could pick up on this promotion for downtown Youngstown at least....or businesses in Y-town before heading out into the suburbs.....

they give away fight tickets....give away cash for people shopping in Y-town!

john r. swierz

    I will not speak for or on behalf of the other council members, but I try to purchase goods and services within the 7th ward or the city daily.  I would assume that the other members of council do like wise.  Please don't be so quick to condemn city council!


The Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the local radio and television stations and The Vindicator.

This is a good idea that should be followed up on.

As for city hall getting involved, forget it.

The local media is ideal in that there are numerous ways they could promote it. Spot announcements, contests, and personal appearances to name three.

There is one thing though to keep in mind, Boardman and Liberty would have to be included since 98% of local retail traffic is located there.


What a good idea.  Who should organize a similar program in Youngstown?  Will the Chamber of Commerce or City Council do it?


'I Shop Locally' promotes successful economy
By BRIANNA SADLER, Staff writer POSTED: May 10, 2009 Save | Print | Email | Read comments | Post a comment
Email: "'I Shop Locally' promotes successful economy" 
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STEUBENVILLE - Shopping locally is something that can benefit community members and the local economy.

The Herald-Star and The Weirton Daily Times want to encourage local residents to promote a successful economy. To do that, the newspapers are launching a community pride promotion program on June 1 called "I Shop Locally."

"The goal is to encourage and reward customers for shopping in local businesses," said Denise Delatore, retail sales manager for the Herald-Star and The Weirton Daily Times.

"The economic impact of local dollars spent in our community is something that affects all of us. I am very excited about this promotion. We want to get the local business community and local residents involved," Delatore said.

Businesses interested in participating can purchase a listing to appear on a full-page ad that will be published every day for 122 days, from June 1 to Sept. 30, Delatore noted.

The program's foundation is an "I Shop Locally" card, which customers can pick up at any participating business. Each time a customer makes a stop at a participating business or makes a purchase there, the customer is rewarded with a stamp on the back of the card.

After the card is stamped three times, the card can be dropped off in a collection box located at each participating business, and each week the Herald-Star and The Weirton Daily Times will hold a drawing for one $50 winner. At the end of each month, all of the cards will be pooled together for a monthly $250 winner.

"There's no additional charge to consumers for participation or to get a card, and the Herald-Star and The Weirton Daily Times will provide the stamps, card collection box, signage and cards to each participating business," Delatore said.

"To encourage high participation, we are keeping our cost for advertisers extremely low at $24.50 per week. They'll receive a listing on the full-page ad that will be published every day for the duration of the program, and we will also place a link to the full-page ad on our two Web sites."

The Web sites are or

Delatore noted that she has seen the success of a similar program at a newspaper in Elkins, W.Va.

"They had a lot of success with it, and we thought we would, too," Delatore said.

"Local purchases keep businesses open and people working. This promotion will be a great way to increase local traffic and give an extra boost to participating businesses."

For information, contact Delatore at (740) 283-4177.