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The Final Protest

Started by jay, April 04, 2009, 06:25:05 AM

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That makes sense.


How much foot traffic does the walk-way at Phelps between West Wood and Commerce Street get per day?

rusty river

There isn't a direct road connection from YSU to downtown. I think the city and YSU feel that a pedestrian friendly connection into the heart of downtown that isn't traffic heavy, like 5th and Wick, would entice more students to walk the few blocks down the hill.


As I understand, the city plans to extend Hazel street up beyond Wood Street and the Grenga property is in the way.

Do they really need to extend Hazel another block? That's for the Mayor and City Council to discuss, and apparently the Mayor does or he couldn't have spent thousands of dollars fighting Mr. Grenga.

Since I don't have a dog in the fight, I can't pass judgement on the City's thinking, but it sure would be interesting to learn just how much money the city has spent on this project.

Just how much money would be returned if and when Hazel is extended that one block.


Isn't the new School of Business being built on the south side of West Rayen?  The Grenga property is on the north side of Rayen.


Damn  , nice profit ! I certainly wouldn't have turned down that offer. but that just goes to show his state of thinking, in his mind he got ripped off.

rusty river

I disagree. The city offered Grenga a premium ($205,000!) for property that no one else would ever have any interest in.
He uses it as a tool shed.

He bought it for $95,800 less than 8 years ago. The property is now assessed at $63,600, and that is the value by which his property taxes are based on. The city offered him MORE THAN TWICE the market value of a 103 year old building he stores BROKEN machines in. And you people think that the property was stolen? Seriously?!? If anyone is stealing it's Grenga getting 2.2 times the value for a junk building!

If given the choice between a tool shed and a multi-million dollar educational facility for the city's largest employer and 14,000 students, I'd go with the college in a heartbeat.

YSU has brought in millions in federal money and is the reason for millions more in private investment in the downtown and northside.

IF Grenga had actually operated a business at that location for a number of years and added value to the property and employed people (like Youngstown Plant next door), that would be another matter and I would completely disagree with the city and oppose eminent domain being exercised on that property.

But that's not the case.

Grenga should have taken the city's obscenely generous offer. Now the amount of compensation is going to be determined by a jury, and I'm willing to bet that it will be substantially less than $205,000.


No matter how the man spelled it, I still believe it was wrong.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


stol, stold, HAD stolden.... ;)


Yins oughtta know thats Y-town lingo !!!!  but really I thought it was stolden

rusty river

Quote from: Oldmill on April 04, 2009, 06:33:55 AM
Its bad enough they steal our money with exorbitant taxes, fees and such but stealing a persons land .....

The city didn't steal the land. They stold it.


And then they wonder why people go nuts and do stuff like what happened in NY ..... Its bad enough they steal our money with exorbitant taxes, fees and such but stealing a persons land .....Deep beneath these killings that are happening in this country are wrongs someone has perpatrated, although usually the people getting murdered are innocent


The Final Protest