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The men and women ringing those bells.....

Started by Smokey362, November 18, 2008, 06:19:17 PM

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I couldn't agree more.

I don't have much, but I do have a nice roof over my head, plenty of food in my pantry, my health, and wonderful friends, and I can't ask for more.

To walk by a Salvation Army Kettle without dropping money into it is out of the question.


Thanks!  I agree it does give me a good feeling to toss a few coins in the bucket.

I stopped donating a while back and just started donating again this year.

In the past 2 weeks I have been the recipient of so many random acts of kindness, I really feel that I need to pay it back or pay it forward...whatever...just give as much as I can, as often as I can.

Everything we give truly does come back to us.


The next time you go to Walmart, Walgreens, Giant Eagle, Sparkle, or wherever you see those men and women ringing the bells.  PLEASE.  Toss a few coins into the bucket.  The Salvation Army isn't for Democrats, OR Republicans. It isn't there for white people, black people, Italians, Slovaks, Hungarians, or anyone special,  They help anyone that needs help.  With the condition of our Country these days, you and I may need them someday.  A few coins go a long way.  Please help them. IF you tossed a few coins in at the last place you what...what's a few more coins at this bucket?  I'm sure they like coins, but they can also use folding money.  When we go shopping, I end up with little or no change in my pocket.  It gives you a good feeling...try it, you'll like it.  Merry Christmas 2008