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10 Cent Gas Tax

Started by jay, July 24, 2008, 10:27:41 AM

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Whatever success we may have in Iraq will never compare to World Wars I and II, and in the meantime as others have pointed out we are neck deep in debt, we are more a conumer nation than a manufacturing power, we are bleeding jobs in just about every sector, and our borders are so wide open that its not funny ... the list goes on and on, and the blame rests with both political parties and the best Congress that money can buy. Add to that list the number of companies that are leaving America and will never come back.

And for Dennis ... you talk about "Green Jobs" as being our salvation ... how long will it be before those are also outsourced to China and India?


Quote from: YtownNewsandViews on July 29, 2008, 06:22:35 AM
Quote from: AllanY2525 on July 29, 2008, 01:35:25 AM
President Bush, [i.m.h.o.] is a blithering idiot, and - as his presidency approaches
its end - a lame duck who won't be able to get much of anything done with what he
has left of his time in the White House.

His legacy will include such things as record deficits, and the war in Iraq - which will
go down in the history books as the "first Vietnam of the twenty first century"

Instead of increasing the gas tax, the government should be lowering it to help
ease the "pain at the pump" for us, the working Joes.

By the way, before anyone asks - I am neither a Republican NOR a Democrat.


We can tell.

Iraq was not a failure and will never be a failure. Kids will be reading in their history books in 10-20 years the great success we had there. We are winning over there and will win that war! Afghanistan is still far from over.

"We" can tell?  How about letting the rest of the members using this board speak for themselves (?!?!)

Kids may read a lot of things in history books - ten to twenty years from now - but here and now, the war
is slowly bankrupting this country, while the number of dead and wounded [a figure they do NOT accurately
discuss on the news] continues to pile up to staggering figures.

Given the sad state of affairs with the Veterans' Administration, I doubt that the veterans of this war
[a war which has NEVER been officially "declared" by our current President - after all, that would take
a vote of Congress...] will be treated as they should be.  Gulf war veterans were not adequately cared
for after the last war with Iraq...why would the current batch of veterans be treated any better.

My opinions about President Bush are just that - OPINIONS - please refrain from bashing me as a person...
as I will extend the same courtesy to you.  Please respect the opinions of others, EVEN when you do not
SHARE those opinions.  This country was founded on the very principles of free speach, and vigorous
debate on the issues of the day was strongly encouraged by our founding fathers.

Thanks in advance for your respect and common courtesy,



Quote from: AllanY2525 on July 29, 2008, 01:35:25 AM
President Bush, [i.m.h.o.] is a blithering idiot, and - as his presidency approaches
its end - a lame duck who won't be able to get much of anything done with what he
has left of his time in the White House.

His legacy will include such things as record deficits, and the war in Iraq - which will
go down in the history books as the "first Vietnam of the twenty first century"

Instead of increasing the gas tax, the government should be lowering it to help
ease the "pain at the pump" for us, the working Joes.

By the way, before anyone asks - I am neither a Republican NOR a Democrat.


We can tell.

Iraq was not a failure and will never be a failure. Kids will be reading in their history books in 10-20 years the great success we had there. We are winning over there and will win that war! Afghanistan is still far from over.


President Bush, [i.m.h.o.] is a blithering idiot, and - as his presidency approaches
its end - a lame duck who won't be able to get much of anything done with what he
has left of his time in the White House.

His legacy will include such things as record deficits, and the war in Iraq - which will
go down in the history books as the "first Vietnam of the twenty first century"

Instead of increasing the gas tax, the government should be lowering it to help
ease the "pain at the pump" for us, the working Joes.

By the way, before anyone asks - I am neither a Republican NOR a Democrat.



Just another reason that Tim Ryan and his staff will never get a vote from me or any other veterans that I know.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


You guys vote for these idiotic Democrats... Thank Tim Ryan the next time you see him when your prices go up 10 cents. Thank God Bush is our President, because he'll save us from this with a VETO!

Read my thoughts here:

Quote from: irishbobcat on July 24, 2008, 11:17:04 AM
Now you know why we need as many renewable energy sources as possible in the future.

Dennis Spisak-Green party Write In Candidate for Congress-Ohio's 6th District.....

What happened to running against Hagan?


Now you know why we need as many renewable energy sources as possible in the future.

Dennis Spisak-Green party Write In Candidate for Congress-Ohio's 6th District.....


There is now a proposal on the federal level to increase the gasoline tax by ten cents per gallon to fund the highway trust fund.