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Vote by Cities-Not State for CASINO!

Started by ytowner, May 14, 2005, 06:51:01 AM

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i use google search for news sorry.

The thing is i wont be gambling with your money. whenever i play cards i set a limit for my winnings or losings.

I have my money set up in a budget format on my computer. i am not tight on money but i keep track of what i get and lose.


I'll ask you again, and then, because of demands on my website, I'll have to leave the topic, for more important matters.

If you were an employer and learned that your CFO was ahibitual gambler would you trust him in that position?

By the way, my website is:

It is an all news site that links to over 6000 newspapers around the world.


My family like relatives care for their money like they have none. Despite that they go to  Las Vegas or Atlantic City and HAVE A GOOD TIME. A casino is there for fun. Its an attraction  for entertainment.

God put us on earth. He wants us to do his will. IF BINGO CAN BE DONE AT CHURCHES, SO CAN CASINOS FOR A CITY!


If they can succeed in getting the issue on the ballot, more power to them. it's been tried before and failed.

I oppose a casino FOR PERSONAL REASONS, but if there are those who feel that their life just won't be complete without the opportunity to gamble away their money, then that is their right, and far be it from me to stand in their way just so they don't start whining about not having money to live on.

AS FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE THAT IT IS THEIR GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO WORK IN A CASINO again to each his own. From what I've seen on the History Channel, they don't stay at it for an extended period of time, so it is not a long term job any more that is the case with telemarketers.

I know that many Ohioans love to throw away their money, but as for me, I choose to keep it where I can keep a sharp eye on it.

By the way, are you considering getting a job at a casino if it were to come to Youngstown?

And lastly; before I finish, let me ask you this question. Would you be quick ti reach into your pocket and help someone who gambled their money away at the tables?

Would you trust an employee that you know was a hibitual gambler?


320,000 petitions stand in your way.
i will do everythin i  can to sign it and have everyone i know sign it too...


beacon journal:

Petro approves language for ballot issue


Associated Press

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Backers of a statewide ballot issue to let Ohio cities decide whether they want casino gambling passed their first test Friday when Attorney General Jim Petro, a gambling opponent, approved the language that will appear on petitions that will be circulated.

The next step under Ohio law is to collect the signatures of 322,899 registered voters, or 10 percent of the total vote for governor in 2002, by Aug. 10. The signatures must come from at least 44 of Ohio's 88 counties.

The amendment to the Ohio Constitution would permit cities of 50,000 or more, or counties with a tourist attraction that draws at least 1 million people each year to decide by a vote of their residents whether they want casino gambling.

The mayors of Cleveland, Cincinnati, Lorain and other cities have said casinos would help their slumping economies. Opponents say they would bring prostitution and other crime while causing hardships for families of problem gamblers.

Petro's approval came after two other attempts to get the language on petitions. Gerald Austin, a Cleveland political consultant who is coordinating the campaign, said getting Petro's approval cost him valuable time.

"The first step is to have the language approved. This step has taken seven weeks, but we're over that hurdle," Austin said.

Petro said the two previous submissions did not meet requirements for ballot language. The first left out information in the proposed amendment outlining the state's regulatory power and the second was too long and would confuse voters, Petro said.

Petro's office also said in a news release that the attorney general opposes gambling and will make sure that petition circulators follow the law.

Ohio is different than in 1990 and 1996, when voters soundly rejected ballot issues that would have put gambling in specific cities, Austin said. Indiana, Michigan and West Virginia all have some type of gambling and Pennsylvania soon will have slot machines at racetracks.

"Ohioans who drive to these places - I'm not talking about Las Vegas - are spending $200 million to $300 million a year just on betting," Austin said.

Austin said he's lining up backers to pay for the signature-gathering but would not identify them.

Opponents have already begun a campaign that will be stepped up now that signatures are being collected, said David Zanotti, president of the Ohio Roundtable, a conservative advocacy group, and a leader in the defeat of the 1990 and 1996 issues.

"We'll up our appearances and maybe up our debates, maybe throw a TV commercial out there. We're ready for them," Zanotti said.

Indian tribes, racetrack owners, lawmakers and others who want to attract casinos are also working on plans to put the issue on the ballot, either by legislation or initiative.



FACT 1 - I never said you mentioned Indian Casino's. The fact is that a tribe is seeking to build a casino in Lordstown. That is why I even brought it up.

FACT 2 - I've lived in Youngstown since 1950, and have forgotten more about this city's history than you will ever know.

FACT 3 - You know as well as I do that Columbus has made it abundently clear that they will never approve casino gambling in this state.

FACT 4 - Only the state legislature can approve casino gambling after a casino Constitutional Amendment has successfully passed.

We can carp on this topic till the cows come home but the fact is that we -- you, I and all of the members of this group can't make it happen on our own, so what's the point?

It makes a good talking point, but that's all.

By the way, the people that have proposed the Indian Casino are talking about going to court to try to force the issue.


I am not talking about an INDIAN RESERVATION. I never said that.

The company who wants to build one in the city runs the largest casino in the world in connecticut. from the casinos for ohio guy he said upwards of 2000 jobs.

Oh ya. You go to Las Wegas and Reno. I was there this past summer. Sure looks 3 times better economically then here. Man i love it out there. From 3 towns i have been those too and Atlantic City; i see the good. The bad is as hidden as you can get.

You don't even live in Youngstown. I do.


Tell you what, prove to us with uncontravertable proof over and above all reasonable doubt that there would be an iron clad guarintee of 2000 jobs carved in stone then I will conceed that I was wrong. I'm reasonable. I wouldn't avail myself of the gambling tables, but far be it from me to deny fools from throwing good money after bad in the off chance that they might break even. but I must see it guarinteed, which as you well know will require a state Constitutional Amendment to accomplish.

Now if the Indians can prove in Federal Court that they should have the right to build and operate a casino here, more power to them, but thier claim is duvious at best.

I would suggest though that you take a trip up to Salamanca, N.Y. and see what the casino did for the people there, then come back and tell us of your findings.

By the way, Salamanca is an Indian reservation.


Actully I won't.

I think two majors in business and accounting will get me a job. my relatives own businesses which want me to work there.

so no accouting is always needed. business like a stockbroker i am is needed.

then your a democrat. But a democrat is for casino's

And i can't help it our area isn't educated well. you dont need to go to college to work at GM or a STEEL MILL. A Casino is nothing different.

you are just being hardheaded. you are saying we are losing jobs. THEN WHY IN THE HELL ARE YOU AGAINST SOMETHING THAT WILL BRING SOME 2,000 JOBS TO TOWN!


You bet I'm off on the political leadership in Ohio.

Jobs are leaving Ohio in record numbers.

Our public school systems are in shambles.

Taxes are bleeding the working people.

Our libraries are in trouble because of dwindling funds.

The cream of our future is being forced to leave Ohio because of the lack of good job opportunities.

Make no mistake about it, I'm no Republican, never was and never will be. The Republicans have done so much harm to this state that it will take us decades to recover, and in the meantime, I'll bet you that you will join the ranks of those young people that will leave Ohio in order to find a job.

The matter of honest government? Tell me that our state leadership has been honest with us. What about the lottery money that was intended for education?

If I'm not mistaken you are looking toward college and where will the money come from? College rates are climbing so high that for many, it will be out of the question.

Health care -- What has the state done to contain costs?

The list of reasons for jumping on the backs of the state legislature are endless.

In my book until we can solve the multitude of problems confronting the people of Ohio, it's foolish to grasp at straws knowing that so long as the Republicans are in control you will never see improvements that would truely help us.

Casinos? Wouldn't you better want a good job in manufacturing that could make your future secure?

Wouldn't you want something better for your children?

Again I say that religion has absolutely nothing to do with my opposition to gambling. My opposition is based on my total lack of trust in our elected officials.


Here you go off on the politicians.

I mean you are against this casino idea. The Republicans are against the casino idea. WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO SAY WE DON'T HAVE HONEST PEOPLE RUNNING THE STATE.

Its like a double negative?????


I think the casino would be great For Youngstown......Being from Youngstown and seeing alot folks getting by on almost nothing......Selling their blood for food, standing inline at the Mission for a meal......All this Morality and righhteousness is not realistic 2000 jobs is 2000 jobs......get a life......


There's a big difference between West Virginia and Ohio -- it's called honest politicians that keep their word. Ohio on the other hand is blessed with a band of horse thieving bald faced liars. We have the best politicians that money can buy. They haven't an honest bone in their bodies.

You watch my friend, they are looking for every way that they can rob you blind.

As I said before, I would trust Charles Manson before I would trust anyone in state government, and the bottom line is that so long as they have the final say you will see no casinos in Ohio, but you sure will see them coming after more of your hard earned money.

Mark my word, the next thing that they will look to tax is food. There are already states that tax groceries, and these bandits won't stop until they have bled you dry like a pack of vampires.

And what do we get in return? Ask all the workers that have seen their jobs move to Mexico with the blessings of Columbus.

And what have we got to show for it?

We get the leavings - the scraps - the garbage that our public officials don't want.

Sure, I'm bitter because it's the young folks that will be the loosers. I'm retired, and my best years are behind me but you young folks should be up in arms. It's you that will pay the price. That is an unforgiveable crime.

So you want a gambling casino in the desperate hope that you will get a job working a table. The only table that most young people will get is a table at the nearest welfare office as you try to find a job worthy of your real talents.

Why do you think Ohio is quickly loosing it's young people? There is nothing here for them, and when they do manage to find a good paying job, it's not long before that job is exported out of the country.

When will you young people wake up and smell the coffee?


If mountaineer can survive in the shittiest state alive.

a casino in youngstown would too


Los Vagus is always looking for new dealers, and there is no income tax in Navada, the weather's great, everything that would attract someone wanting to make his fortune. Oh and don't forget it's also the home of the Mustang Ranch. What more could anyone ask for?

Just think of the great shows at the casinos.

Even if there was a casino here, it couldn't match Vagus or Reno.