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Blue Collar support Green

Started by irishbobcat, April 09, 2008, 01:15:59 PM

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Blue collars jobs are needed for green collar manufacturing.....and are needed now......

Will Youngstown be the last part of the country to realize the future is now?

That is why we need a change in state representation in Columbus this November!

Dennis Spisak-Independent Green Party Candidate for State Representative-60th District



On the network TV news yesterday, green jobs in Johnstown, PA was the subject.  A vacant steel mill building was now being used for manufacturing large blades for wind turbines.


Labor, Environmentalists, Workers who are losing jobs, Join Forces to Launch National "Green Jobs for America" Campaign in Ohio

The United Steelworkers (USW), the Sierra Club, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Blue Green Alliance, a partnership of the USW and Sierra Club, today launched the national Green Jobs for America campaign. The campaign will focus on the ability of a serious commitment to clean, renewable energy to make the U.S. more energy independent, help end our dependence on fossil fuels and create hundreds of thousands of green jobs nationwide.

"What is really exciting about this campaign is the opportunity to create jobs, help fix our broken economy and contribute to solving the biggest environmental challenge of our generation at the same time," said USW International President Leo W. Gerard.

NILES, Ohio, today a press conference to launch the National "Green Jobs for America" Campaign in Ohio was called today at the Amweld Building Facility (100 Plant Street, Niles Ohio) where approximately 250 Steelworkers from the Amweld Building Products Facility lost there jobs when the facility recently relocated to Mexico.  Brian Ulrich, President of USW Local 5962 spoke at the event, "The Steelworkers and environmentalists have not always seen eye-to-eye, but the time is now to start working together and demanding new green jobs and a fair trade policy from our elected officials.   There is not more time to waiver, our state's priority must be Green Jobs and Fair Trade.  It is clear as smog free day that the future for Ohio is Clean, Green and Fair!"  Also speaking at the conference was the National Field Coordinator for the Blue Green Alliance, Susan Knight, and Staff Representative Matthew Kaplan, for US Senator Sherrod Brown.  Susan Knight also reflected on the groups tumultuous past, "The Steelworkers and the Sierra Club are beyond our disagreements, we are standing here today to send a clear message to our elected officials that we believe the solution to the recession and to Global Warming is a New Green Deal.  The time to hedge political bets is over, it is now time to match resources with promises of good, green jobs, hard work with platitudes about what could be here in Ohio, and for our decision makers to take public stand for fair trade instead of lamenting about job losses."

The Green Jobs for America campaign will demonstrate that investing in clean, renewable energy is the best way to fight global warming, bring skyrocketing energy costs back under control, create new, good-paying jobs and put us back on the path toward economic growth and prosperity. In addition to encouraging the right investments from the private sector, the campaign will also focus on the kinds of policies that are needed to fight global warming, expand clean energy production and reform unfair trade agreements.

Dennis Spisak-Independent Green Party Candidate for State Representative-60th district