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New jobs for the valley

Started by Towntalk, March 14, 2008, 08:56:11 PM

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The school funding issue would be a great starting point since it is current and affects local schools. Rivers would jump on this with both feet and may even invite you on the air based on your credentials. It would also put you into the position of being able to talk to him face to face off the air, and possably John Nagy as well.

You more than anyone else know the problems facing valley schools, and that is very important.

Being both a school board member and a school administrator wrapped into one gives you a perspective no one else has.



Thanks for your advice. We will step up this campaign as we become more organized. 2 weeks ago the Governor announced that the
Ohio Department of Education had to cut 50 million dollars out of their budget.....most cuts concerning state money going to the County Educational Service Centers. Today I received the ESC bill for 2009 for ESC services for the Struthers City Schools....last year the bill was $419, year the bill is $553,000. So because state reps and state senators can't work together to fix state funding for schools, the bills get pushed down to the local boards of education...which means we must pay the increase, cut costs in other services, or ask the local taxpayers to ante up with more money for local levies.

That's why we need independent state representatives to speak for the people and quit playing political football regarding state funding of education. The 2 major parties will not fix this program before the November election. Last week saw the lowest percentage of school levies passed in the state for the last couple of years.

Let's send a state representative to Columbus who will do what's right for the taxpayers and poor and working class in the valley, not the
over 100 lobbyists and PACS who contributed to Bob Hagan's political campaign fund last year.


Dennis Spisak- State Rep Candidate Green Party- 60th district


I realize with all your commitments it might be difficult for you, but try calling in to the WKBN talk shows, Mangino and Rivers, and let them get to know you. For starters use your expertise in the field of education, then branch out to the issues on your platform.

As for Ron Verb, he would be ideal on health issues, as his wife is an RN at North Side Hospital.

Calls on all the talk shows last at the most 3 minutes tops, but if you called in several times a week, Rivers would get to know you.

As to emails, they get thousands a week. Try faxing Rivers (330-729-9991). I fax them on a regular basis with my newsletter (up to 10 pages) and have been doing it since 1997 when I was feeding Dan Ryan show prep material. It saves postage and Rivers will read it.

By the way, Rivers does occasionally serf this board.


I have sent e-mailed to Louie Free, and the folks at WKBN, who have not returned my e-mails.....

The Vindicator has told me they will not print any letter I send promoting my campaign....

I am using this board as a grassroots starting point that if you believe we need change in the valley, you would help send our campaign site and info out to friends you know.

I send info to Mr. Skolnick at the Vindy almost weekly and he has never even mention our campaign.

After my wife's tumor is removed next month and she recovers I will begin knocking on doors, speak at as many club lunches as possible, and debate Bob Hagan anytime and anyplace.


Dennis Spisak



As a starter, contact Louie Free to make a guest appearence. Louie is an environmentalist and will be ideal to get your feet wet with.

As for WKBN send a brief letter to Dan Rivers (Operations Manager) to get time on his show.

I agree with YtownNewsandViews when he says that you are limiting yourself by simply posting on this board, but by getting on talk radio you will reach a larger audience and it won't cost you a dime.

As for the other local talk shows (Mangino and Verb) call in to these two shows.

To win over the Hagen gang, you will have to get your message out to the widest audience possable, including those who do not serf the web.


Please get a blog man and spread your word. Write editorials to paper, force your way onto TV. Challenge Hagan to a debate anytime - anywhere.

Posting here will only do you so much.


Towntalk: Within the last year, the University of Toledo received grants to begin reserach on finding alternative cheaper fuel sources for their RTA bus line so they could keep tax levies to a minimum and reduce the amount of money they were spending on fuel.

The same thing could happen here in the valley. It would take a commitment from YSU to become an alternative energy research university which could draw research to improve renewable and alternative energy resources and appliances.

When you can commit your local university into a energy research facility and program, you can bring research. jobs, and new
manufacturing to the valley.

Dennis Spisak= Independent Green Party Candidate for State Representative-60th district

These are exactly the issues we need Bob Hagan to debate between now and November. In the past he has gotten the a free ride to Columbus each November. Now with gas almost at $'s time Bob Hagan has to defend his past non-actions and what he plans to do for the poor and working class in this valley in 2009.


I hope that you could use that article in your campaign.

Clearfield was once a coal and brick town and was hit hard when the coal played out, the brick yards moved to Canada, and it's clothing factories closed.

The fact that a major oil company will buuy all the ethanol that this new plant can produce will be a major shot in the arm.

Clearfield right now is a college town, and with this new plant coming in, it would be hoped that this plant will help retain the graduates and perhaps inspire the college officials to set up projects in alternative energy.

I'm going to check out just what Lock Haven University offers to see if they have the resources forsuch projects.

As for Hagen, I wouldn't vote for him for any office.

Here is a link to the programs the University offers. Would any of them be in the areas that would apply to alternative energy?



What happened in Ohio is typical party politics and high paying lobbyists and PACS getting in the way of Ohio making any progress in renewable energy programs.

First, Coal is still a big player in Southern Ohio, and coal companies have enough politicians in their pockets to try and keep coal as a somewhat king in fossil fuel.

Second, Lobbyists like Exxon-Mobil  have poured big money into opposing current Senate Bill 221 which would mandate more
renewable energy sources, factories,and companies in Ohio.

Third, if you read the your hometown newspaper article, your read where State Representatives were very aggressive in pursuing the alternative energy plant to be built there along with cooperation with state and local officials. When is the last time you heard Bob Hagan fight for an alternative energy plant or company locating in the 60th district? The only two pieces of legistlation he has posted on his political web-site within the last year was trying to get the fast check companies to lower interest rates and his proposal to stop puppy breeding mills in Ohio.

Bob Hagan claims to be a progressive liberal but is really a paper tiger. He is just an insider politician who takes huge donations from lobbyists and PACS for his campaign war chest. He shows up for a few photo opps when an inflatable rat is put up at a picket line.

As a Green Party Candidate for the 60th district, I would go to Columbus to bring alternative energy jobs back to the valley. Right now  the 60th district and Ohio is lacking the forward vision of what benefits renewable energy can bring to this state. Folks in PA. government understand the question. In fact, today in Pittsburgh they wrapped up a 2-day "Good Jobs, Green Jobs Conference."

That is why I am asking the voters of the 60th district to support me in my campaign for state representative for the 60th district.
What type of jobs have Bob Hagan brought back in 20 years of being in Columbus? If Bob Hagan did not have the word Democrat next to his name on the November ballot, could you really support him for re-election this year?


Dennis Spisak

Independent Green Party Candidate for State Representative=60th district.

Please read about the Good Jobs-Green Jobs program on our campaign web-site under the link Health care and Progressive Job Programs.



Here is an article from my hometown newspaper of how a town of under 10,000 will be home to the largest Ethanol plant east of th Mississippi.

The $270 million ethanol plant will be one of the largest ethanol plants east of the Mississippi River and one of the 10 largest ethanol plants in the nation.

Prior to the decision to build it there, Ohio was in the running, and the first choice due to the closeness to the products needed, but thanks to the Governor of Pennsylvania who set aside almost 18 million for the project, my hometown got the project.

Where were our state officials when Ohio was being considered?

I would hope that Irishbob would please explain to us what happened here in Ohio.