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Mayor's Web Blog

Started by Micky, August 01, 2007, 07:36:08 PM

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Quote from: Defend Youngstown on August 02, 2007, 03:04:42 PM
Yes. The blog is in a basic layout. More content will be added, including his email. No comments. We do not want a replication of's message boards. That is not productive. The intent is to give citizens more insight into the thinking behind the decisions the Mayor makes or to simpy provide his perspective regarding important issues. I have set up the blog for Mayor Williams and will be responsible for posting Information that is sent to me that he wants posted from time to time. I hope everyone finds it to be beneficial. Another line of communication.

IM me on AIM @ DowntownYtown | I know you used to have it and we talked before, but I do not have it anymore.

Secondly: ALLOW Comments, but you moderate what ones are allowed and not allowed. Keep them productive, not destructive!

Rally for YNG:


Hope it works out for him.

Defend Youngstown

Yes. The blog is in a basic layout. More content will be added, including his email. No comments. We do not want a replication of's message boards. That is not productive. The intent is to give citizens more insight into the thinking behind the decisions the Mayor makes or to simpy provide his perspective regarding important issues. I have set up the blog for Mayor Williams and will be responsible for posting Information that is sent to me that he wants posted from time to time. I hope everyone finds it to be beneficial. Another line of communication.

northside lurker

Quote from: ForumManager on August 02, 2007, 09:53:01 AM
Perhaps Defend Youngstown set up the blog for him.
I agree that this is probably the answer.
His office email address is not posted on the blog.
If I'm right about why he didn't enable comments, it would be a good idea to at least provide his email address.
I will say I have written it many times regarding community events, nothing negative - never a reply, even an automated one.
I've never emailed the mayor.  But, DougK has, and received a reply. (I think he is a member of this site, but I haven't seen him around here or the Vindy board for a long time)
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


QuoteFrom the DEFEND YOUNGSTOWN blog: "Mayor Jay Williams in partnership with Phil Kidd of Defend Youngstown have created a blog..."

I saw that too. Typing in a blog entry seems like an easy thing to do for anyone.
If it is already being typed by the mayor, it can be typed directly in the blog.
Perhaps Defend Youngstown set up the blog for him.

QuoteBut then I realized that for every real comment, there would be 30 spam messages about how the mayor should bulldoze Youngstown, and how they are boycotting Youngstown, etc.  I don't think any of us would have any trouble finding and using the Mayor's email address if we wanted to comment on what he had to say?

I understand about spam - that is why this forum became members only for posting.
If he SAYS he is looking for dialog then there needs to be a place to comment.
Tim Ryan has comments on his blog.
A blog can be set to approve comments. They are not automatically posted unless you choose  that option.
It would take time to filter out the spam, but that is part of the whole blog thing.
His office email address is not posted on the blog.
It is according to the Youngstown Website.
It probably receives a lot of negative emails.
I will say I have written it many times regarding community events, nothing negative - never a reply, even an automated one.

Thanks for letting me know where the picture was taken.  I will go there and take a few myself for the gallery.  I thought maybe it was there but the city seems almost remote to his position, like off in a distance. I was downtown the other night taking photos  when the post office incident was happening and wondered what was going on. I called my husband to find out and he turned on the TV and said  there was nothing. I didn't stay to get as many photos as I would have liked. The picture at the top of this board shows the police in front of the post office, but they are so minuscule you can't see them.

northside lurker

Quote from: ForumManager on August 01, 2007, 10:28:58 PM
LOL can o worms comes to mind, but there is no place to comment so what is the  dialog that he is looking for?
I was a little disappointed that there wasn't a place to comment at first.  But then I realized that for every real comment, there would be 30 spam messages about how the mayor should bulldoze Youngstown, and how they are boycotting Youngstown, etc.  I don't think any of us would have any trouble finding and using the Mayor's email address if we wanted to comment on what he had to say?
and why is it posted by DEFEND YOUNGSTOWN?
From the DEFEND YOUNGSTOWN blog: "Mayor Jay Williams in partnership with Phil Kidd of Defend Youngstown have created a blog..."
Quote from: ForumManager on August 01, 2007, 10:40:34 PM
Where was the mayor's blog photo taken?  That is a great view but I can't figure out where he is.
Doesn't look like Ytown to me.
He's in the parking lot of the Chevy Center.  I can see my office in the middle right of the photo.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


Where was the mayor's blog photo taken?  That is a great view but I can't figure out where he is.
Doesn't look like Ytown to me.


LOL can o worms comes to mind, but there is no place to comment so what is the  dialog that he is looking for?

Link to blog

and why is it posted by DEFEND YOUNGSTOWN?

Micky today states that the Mayor posted a Web Blog July 25.  You can access the blog by going to, click the article, and click their key word.  The intention of his blog is to create an open dialogue with the citizens of Youngstown.