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Councilman Mike Ray Snubbed

Started by jay, January 05, 2016, 11:59:26 AM

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The ytown council representatives can pick one of the ir council representative s to run the council meeting thus a cost savings to the city.

Peggy Gurney

Quote from: iwasthere on January 13, 2016, 12:00:20 PM
there is going to be a petition in the near future to rid the council position the president of council, stay tune folks.

The only benefit to the position is to provide a back-up Mayor in case the current mayor has to leave, such as what happened with Williams.

And God-forbid could happen again with McNally.
~ Normal is overrated ~


Quote from: iwasthere on January 13, 2016, 12:00:20 PM
there is going to be a petition in the near future to rid the council position the president of council, stay tune folks.

Wow... hmmm....... interesting


Peggy Gurney

Quote from: cc4 on January 13, 2016, 11:46:06 AM
According to a Vindy reporter, Mike Ray sought the nomination ahead of time.  When it became clear

to him that it was going to Nate, he gave up the fight and switched his support to go along with the

majority of the council.  There was a public vote, which was unanimous; but it was obvious that this

had been decided beforehand.  The article in the paper just verified the opinion I had formed that night

at the meeting.

Even though Nate is my councilman, and I love & appreciate him, I still think this sucks.

~ Normal is overrated ~


Quote from: AllanY2525 on January 13, 2016, 06:13:53 AM
I think Sammarone should retire.
there is going to be a petition in the near future to rid the council position the president of council, stay tune folks.


According to a Vindy reporter, Mike Ray sought the nomination ahead of time.  When it became clear

to him that it was going to Nate, he gave up the fight and switched his support to go along with the

majority of the council.  There was a public vote, which was unanimous; but it was obvious that this

had been decided beforehand.  The article in the paper just verified the opinion I had formed that night

at the meeting.


I still wish live audio of the council meetings could be sent out over the internet so all of us could know what's happening.


Although a public vote was taken at the reorganization meeting, the votes were lined up for Councilman Pickard in advance. 

Peggy Gurney

Quote from: AllanY2525 on January 13, 2016, 06:13:53 AM
I think Sammarone should retire.

I'm pretty sure that just about everyone feels the same.

On the topic of Mike Ray, is it possible that he was nominated and turned it down?  Was anyone from the public actually there that can say this did or did not happen?
Just curious.
~ Normal is overrated ~


Peggy Gurney

Quote from: Rushblvd on January 05, 2016, 04:04:44 PM
So my next question-Is the vote public or not? And if public does the Vindy publish?

No it is not a public election. The election takes place among the council members, for the purpose of naming one of the council members to act in Sammarone's place when he can't attend a meeting.
Which has been fairly often, if I am hearing correctly.

~ Normal is overrated ~


I would not shed any tears for either men when things are not going anywhere in their political lives.


So my next question-Is the vote public or not? And if public does the Vindy publish?


Councilman Pinkard was elected president pro tem.
