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Charter Amendment Meeting

Started by jay, June 25, 2014, 06:27:06 AM

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if you are serious of stopping the gilliams and the tarpleys of the world from ruining good government. GET OFF YOUR DUFF AND GET SIGNATURES. ;D

Nicholas Serra

Jay, I have a petition too. I just need to get off my a**. I know a few others also, who will be door knocking in rocky ridge. Phil Kidd supplied a bunch to appropriate people. What date should we have these in by?


I met another volunteer canvasser last night.  The person just started circulating the charter petition.


Only one person from last year's Charter Review Commission is involved with this charter amendment petition drive.

I find this very disappointing.    :P

Peggy Gurney

~ Normal is overrated ~


Volunteers were collecting petition signatures at the North Side Farmers' Market and at the Summer Festival of the Arts today.


A friend was circulating the petition yesterday. 

Many people told him that they wanted council to remain at 7 wards.


I signed the charter amendment petition today.  :) :)

If you are in favor of this amendment, sign the petition ASAP.

Peggy Gurney

Quote from: AllanY2525 on July 10, 2014, 02:10:51 AM
Has anyone tried calling the local talk radio shows, to push this agenda and get the word out
that volunteers are needed - and signatures?

What about the Vindicator?  Has anyone thought of contacting them about the petition

Never underestimate the power and reach of the media.....

Just an Idea.   

Towntalk, what do you think?


I do believe that the media has been contacted.
~ Normal is overrated ~


Today I will meet with a petition circulator and sign that charter amendment petition.


Ohhhhhh, Allan, that is a very loaded question, and I'm afraid that most of the folks here couldn't handle my HONEST response. The truth is like a white hot branding iron fresh off the fire, and unfortunately many can't stand hearing the truth, or at least the unvarnished truth that does not necessarily coinside with their idea of truth.
For over ten years, I published a daily newsletter that was the basis for material on Talk Radio, and I know the power that it has in the hands of people that are not afraid of shaking up the powers that be. Men like Dan Rivers and Ron Verb, but they can't do it alone. It takes listeners to chime in and stir the pot, turning up the heat till that pot boils over, and few if any of the people that hang out here seem to realize that the powers that be could care less about what we have to say here. But when WKBN's Talkers start aiming their barbs and arrows at the powers that be, or when the editorial team at the Vindicator goes on the attack, then and only then the powers that be start wetting their collective pants.
It can't be resolved over night, nor can it be resolved using a hit and miss approach. The white hot branding irons have to be applied day after day after day, never letting up, but making life a miserable hell on earth for the powers that be.
Most of the vocal people here are little more than tiny gnats or fruit flies that at best are irritating but little else.
And to the issue at hand ... how many of the folks that have been pestering me to go out and have a fist full of petitions signed have taken the time to voice their views on the WKBN talk shows, write letters to the Editor of the Vindicator.
My God, there have been how many different issues placed on the ballot for how many elections that have gotten absolutely nowhere over the past five years. What makes Jay, or PD or anyone else think that this time it will be different?
What they are doing is slamming a two by four down squarely on their heads hoping to cure their migraine, but totally ignoring the one sure cure freely and painlessly available on talk radio and the newspaper.
That metafor go over your head PD? Go get your petitions signed ... have large posters made and march around city hall all day ... whine on this web site till you're blue in the face but in the end, it will go nowhere, just as BG's many posts do.
Shoot, how many times have the anti fracking folks gone to the ballot and failed?
My sermon is finished, my point has been made, and while some may not like it, it's said and done. Amen.


Has anyone tried calling the local talk radio shows, to push this agenda and get the word out
that volunteers are needed - and signatures?

What about the Vindicator?  Has anyone thought of contacting them about the petition

Never underestimate the power and reach of the media.....

Just an Idea.   

Towntalk, what do you think?



If 50 people each collected 40 signatures, the petition drive could be over in two weeks.


Has anyone reached out to all of the neighborhood associations around the city, to see
if any of them are getting involved?


I've heard that the charter petitions will be ready to go on Wednesday, July 9. 

Get your petitions and fill them with signatures.