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Broken Sidewalks

Started by jay, July 12, 2006, 09:36:37 AM

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Where is The Sidewalk. This is located on Wesley

northside lurker

The picture Jay posted is common in a lot of older neighborhoods.  It's one of the drawbacks to having beautiful tree-lines streets.  The trees destroy the sidewalks.  Has anyone seen how something like that would be addressed without killing the tree?
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


I guess I don't have to take a picture now.  That's what the sidewalks around my house look like.  Try pushing a stoller or teaching a kid to ride a bike on one of those.

That's one of the things that originally appealed to me about the West in a neighborhood I could actually take a walk in.  Now we go to the walking/biking trails in Mill Creek Park.


I spotted this broken sidewalk along South Hazelwood Avenue as I was driving this weekend.

northside lurker

I walk down the west side of S. Lakeview almost everyday to catch the bus.  The attached images are of the worst part.(both pictures are of the same spot)  If you think it looks bad here, you should try walking over that in the winter, when it's covered by snow and ice.

I don't usually walk on the east side of the street, so there may be worse spots on that side.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


Next time I'm out attempting to push a stroller on the sidewalks around my home, I'll be sure to bring my camera.


If anyone has a photo of a sidewalk in very bad condition, please post a photo to this forum.  Maybe the city councilman will solve the problem.