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Urban gardening coming to the area

Started by Billy Mumphrey, May 14, 2013, 08:33:56 AM

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When we get our garden up and growing on Cleveland St (across from St. Pats)  stop by and I will give you some tomatoes...


tt strike a frshp up with the ns gardeners then they will share a tom or two with you. i always enjoyed listening jb radio and tv shows.


Speaking of Jack Benny ... I have some 200 of his radio programs in my library of old radio programs. As to gardens though, I'd dearly love to have a friend who grew good Beef Steak tomatoes and Iceberg Lettuce ...I love BLT sandwich's, and also would love a few green tomatoes just before they become ripe ... fried green tomatoes fried in bacon fat is a wonder to behold ... dip 'em in egg wash, then seasoned flour and fry them up.


a tie would mean poc would have the final say so thus susie canbe a real bulb booster. my dad plants a garden every yr, he is jack benny's age as of today. he will never starve but his chliden are another story. 


As POC, she could do little harm since the only time she can vote would be to break a tie. As to the garden matter, I think it's a swell idea, and there should be more family garderns. When a was a child, every family in my neighborhood had a family garden. It's not rocket science to start and maintain one, and think of the money that could be saved by not having to pay retail prices for produce at the supermarket. WNEO has a couple of shows that educate people on gardening and are well worth watching.


 some of these gardens were started by grps that susie b is assoc. with on the n.s. this should be one good reason that n.s. residents should vote for her as ytown p.o.c.


Not to be a wet blanket, but there are already a number of these gardens here, and have been here for several years. In back of me there are two large urban gardens that are located on land formerly occupied by homes that were demolished complete with a greenhouse, and another across the street also complete with a greenhouse.
I sure that our friend Jay can also point out such gardens on the West Side.