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Youngstown City Council Meeting - Wednesday, September 19

Started by jay, September 18, 2012, 08:45:13 PM

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Unfortunately the shows weren't archived but I'll post some photos from her scrapbook.


Quote from: Rick Rowlands on September 21, 2012, 06:55:11 AM
I guess it doesn't surprise me that iwasthere would find no fault with a protester causing a disturbance in council chambers.  iwasthere seems to lack the ability to tell the difference between what is proper and improper behavior.
once again rr is making assumptions about an event when he was not there. i was standing next to the yg girl who was led out of the council chambers. the only time she shouted somethng to the ytown cr when she said the ytown mayor was bought and paid by the gas and oil coms. rr next time when you make a statement have all the facts.


Quote from: Towntalk on September 20, 2012, 11:23:30 PM
My inspiration was my mother who was herself an author and radio personality who had a childrens program back home.
do you have copies of your mother's children show. the other adage, "the apple does not fall far from the tree".


Urban centers, home to the dependent class have been somewhat orgnanized by the MVOC.  What we are witnessing is the last gasp of air from desperate receipients who see that their subsidies are vanishing.  Big business is bringing in the workers and taxpayers of America and they will no longer tolerate the lazy.
All able bodied zombies will be mandated to work for a living like the rest of us.

Rick Rowlands

I guess it doesn't surprise me that iwasthere would find no fault with a protester causing a disturbance in council chambers.  iwasthere seems to lack the ability to tell the difference between what is proper and improper behavior. 

Rick Rowlands

I was on 570 WKBN on Wednesday talking about our upcoming Tod Engine Open House.  Rivers was on remote at Akron Childrens Hospital so Tom Leary, Donna Deblasio and I were in the studio, and I was sitting in the "big chair".  On a shelf next to the desk was a three ring binder of "Facts", and indeed it was, one page summaries of important issues and events.  It was interesting to see just how a radio show is put on.  Learned a lot that day.


My inspiration was my mother who was herself an author and radio personality who had a childrens program back home.


the ole adage is behind every good man is a woman that keeps the coals burning.


For the record iwasthere ... I wasn't employed by WKBN ... Dan Ryan subscribed to my show prep service for the simple reason that he was computer illiterate and was impressed by my newsletters ... 13 pages a day 7 days a week plus the material that I fast faxed to him while he was on the air that directly related to the topic he was talking about ... later the newsletters went to Dan Rivers. WKBN links to my website even to this day but I no longer maintain the newsletter due to my health that prevents me from doing all night stints preparing them.

Mr. Ryan and I were personal friends and it was he who encouraged me to set up an all news website, and referred to it daily along with material that I sent him, and because he used it, WKBN management approved of me faxing up to 100 pages a week.

Every Christmas as part of his Christmas program, he featured a Christmas story I wrote that received a lot of good listener comments that was set in Youngstown in the late 1890's.

My day job for 22 years was in the building services department of the Vindicator.


you must had a quite a following during your radio yrs at wkbn.


 :laugh:  That's my show prep persona coming out ... a bit mild I must admit though ... one of the people that was on my list wanted rough ... mean stuff to fire back at her listeners.


tt it is matter of opinion, no need to have your feathers ruffled. i would like to be a fly on the wall when our ff framed the usa constitution.


Lets get one thing streight right here and right now ... FREEDOM OF SPEECH HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH IT ... NOTHING!!!!

You can't create a distrurbance in a court of law ... you can't create a disturbance in church ... you can't create a disturbance in the U.S. House of Representatives or the Senate, you can't create a disturbance in a theater, nor can you create a disturbance at a funeral.

Apparently you approve of total chaos no matter where all in the name of free speech.

Youngstown City Council is no exception
