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"Capitalist Marching on Youngstown!"

Started by Youngstownshrimp, June 10, 2012, 01:25:32 PM

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Oh by the way, all of the art is hanging in my livingroom. The largest is over the fireplace which I don't use. They are all in museum frames.


Wow!  mental telepathy, while we were blogging, Bloomberg trumps Youngstown and its prosperity in energy.  Jobs, jobs, jobs of course with a piss test.


Are you familiar with Ohio Color that use to be in business here? She learned photography from her father and later took over the business. She retired in 2009. 3 of the prints are desert scenes, 2 are floral, one is of a horse in a meadow and one is a streetscape. The one by Lloyd Jones is of Crandall Park.


usa congress should take a page out of this blog, they would learn a thing or two from this blog its members when we talk things out then going home with our ball, bat and gloves. i could see where you bought original works from dagmar. did she study under dali? her works reflects his style. these art works, do you enjoy them by having them hang in your home?


Actually I have 6 limited edition pieces of photographic art that was done by Dagmar that I purchased at the Butler and two signed pieces by Lloyd Jones, so you see I'm not "anti-art" as a whole.


thank you towntalk. my two lastest big pieces are hanging in the scupltured lab at ysu. they are an interpetation of several passages from Dante Inferno, they were too big and sharp edges for me to hang on my walls. i do dap in photography for instant gratification. towntalk do you remember when the ungaro adminstration run the artist community out of downtown for the Mckay family to tear down the bldgs where the artists took over the bldgs then turned them into beautiful living quarters according to their tastes? they had a vibrant alive community but ungaro should burn in HELL for destorying the lives of a productive people. towntalk i apolize if i offended you in my lastest rant. mea clupa



iwasthere, personally, you are a very fine person I enjoy talking to via mahoningvalley.into, and perhaps if I saw some of your works I'd include them in my collection.

Our vision though for Youngstown is worlds apart though. I want to see Youngstown and particularly downtown Youngstown become a vibrant hub again where folks can come to shop, be entertained and yes even educated. Sort of like it was prior to 1960.


I never even suggested that the local artists are dopers ... I do though point out that as early as the mid 1990's the local arts community came up with all sorts of plans for downtown Youngstown, none of which ever was seen through to completion. These groups have come and gone with nothing to show for it.

I do support the arts ... Butler Institute Of American Art ... The Youngstown Symphony Orchestra ... the Youngstown Playhouse ... Easy Street Productions ... the local Opera Company ... Ballet Western Reserve. It's also interesting to note that the Butler does not go for federal funds, yet it is a world class gallery with some 20,000 American masterpieces in it's permanent collection.

Then there is the Mahoning Valley Historical Society, itself a treasury of local history.


Downtown Youngstown "vibrant"? 224 is vibrant ... Belmont Avenue is vibrant in Liberty, but downtown Youngstown is hardly vibrant, and won't be vibrant until we see more businesses offering more goods for sale aside from tee shirts and brick-a-brak. A hand full of eateries do not a vibrant downtown make. Its a small start to be sure,but not the end all and be all.


towntalk i would like to meet in person. so, i can rip you and other people like you a new one, who has that same attitude you have against local artists. i am one of those dabbers who is always looking for a handout, mooching off of fam and frds while at the sametime smoke and shoot up 24/6. NOT. i take the seventh day off to attend ch with fam and frds at various locations. please attend one of the many art shows ytown offers to meet the art community then you will have another postive opinion not an acid tongue against me or my fellow artists.


Folks who "dab" in the "arts" have never left Youngstown....they are the ones who stayed and worked on making the downtown and area vibrant again....

The so-called "new capitalists" only came to town when they learned they could make a quick dirty buck poisoning our land and water through fracking....once the land and water is polluted and used up...they will leave as quickly as they arrived....wham,bam, thank you, mam....

Once the "new capitalists" leave town, cities will still need the arts....


This is exactly why I bash the so-called arts. Quality of life indeed ... what good is an amateur theater group in a community that has high unemployment and can't afford to support a bunch of lay abouts that keep looking for handouts from government agencies. Of what monetary value are a gaggle of dabblers in paints in a community that has to depend on food pantries. Come to think of it, how many of these folks depend on the food pantries themselves.


Indeed, Youngstown has great stock still today. although most have moved to the suburbs or out of state.  Living in Youngstown for the past seventeen years, I could never understand why the locals had an anti-capitalist bent.  An when challenged, demonized any who questioned the false economy.  Now I completely understand the devide between the urban centers of the country and the rural and suburban communities.  Unfortunately, Youngstown became ground zero for the entitled class.  Fortunately, the taxpayers, the silent majority has had enough and are marching into the urban centers.  Wisconsin, San Diego, San Jose, New Jersey and soon the DC.
I really now no longer blame the people, us makers blame the entitled leadership, and we understand now where the problem is.


Shrimp, what many loose sight of is the fact that many of the great men of Youngstown came from humble stock. Their wealth was not handed to them on a silver platter, they worked for every dime of it at a time when big government wasn't handing out large bags of money at the drop of a hat to every Tom, Dick or Harry.


The lost decades were the 80's,90's and 2000-2010.