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Council's Response To Proposed Charter Changes

Started by jay, May 31, 2012, 09:09:30 PM

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there was discussion at the last meeting for the charter review about where does it state that the charter review committee must seek approval from the city council for their recommendations to put their suggustions on the ballot. the ytown residents had ample opportunities to make suggustions to the charter review committee. the nay sayers have no legal grd that they were let out in this process.


Okay, the Charter Review Commission finished their job. It was months long and involved many meetings that anyone was free to go to and get involved in democratic discussion.

Then the Charter Review Commission presented its 17 proposals to Council. These proposals have to be run through the law department.

After that, I believe Council should hold a forum or three whereby they present their responses and reactions to these proposals to the Commission and to the public. Good, healthy, democratic debate could then occur so that all sides--in favor, opposed and neutral--could be heard. Since there are 17 issues, I believe that they should be divided into different forums so that there is ample time for democratic discussion on each issue.

After this process, then and only then should Council vote on the items.
Mary Krupa
"We the People..."


ytown citizens must signup and speak at the next several council meetings to strongly to tell the reps to put all recomendations on the november election ballot for a vote of support or disapproval by the ytown residents.


Without question, a major campaign must be instituted against ALL the members of City Council that is both hard hitting and sustained both on WASN and WKBN talk shows as well as TV News and the Vindicator that is so hard hitting that the members of Council will rue the day they ran for Council seats.

On top of that, candidates must be found that are capable of running an effective campaign and support the Charter Commission's recommendations 100%.

We can talk all we want on this board about it, but unfortunately our views do not reach the majority of the voters, and we'll need the resources mentioned above.

Some of you might not like the talkers on WKBN, and others do not like WASN but in the interest of the future of Youngstown, you must set aside those dislikes and call ALL the shows, and keep calling every day until Council makes its final decision.

WKBN 570 Talk Phone Numbers



At the beginning, some citizens warned the members of the Charter Review Commission that council would negate the commission's hard work.  With council's negative comments at this week's Legislative Committee meeting,  some commission members are now very upset with city council.

We will soon learn if city council respects the will of Youngstown residents.  If council rejects the charter proposals, look for increased citizens' involvement in the affairs of the city.