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Charter Review Commission Meeting - Monday, May 21

Started by jay, May 19, 2012, 06:06:37 AM

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Quote from: Rick Rowlands on May 22, 2012, 06:21:05 PM
I wouldn't go that far. Boles has no effect on me since I don't listen.
you should have been at the  charter review committee recommendations town hall meeting tonight. he invited people to this TH meeting during his daily rants on his show which brought out the clueless and the uniformed.


Actually today was the first time I listened to the show and the last. Why anyone would promote his show is beyond me.

Rick Rowlands

I wouldn't go that far. Boles has no effect on me since I don't listen. 


Not only that, but if Clarance Boles was on any other station in this market, his hate filled mouth would have had him fired on the spot! It's people like him that drive wedges into a community. That is why I do not otherwise listen to 1500 AM. There is no room for the sort of hate speech he spews out. By the way, neither do I listen to WKBN's Rush Limbaugh.

Rick Rowlands

Whoa there!!! I see racial inequality here in Youngstown!  The population is split evenly white/black, but a MAJORITY of council members are BLACK?  Whites are being underrepresented in Youngstown, and in this age of fairness we must IMMEDIATELY take action to rectify this travesty! 


the people mentioned in the articles on creating a diverified workforce for hire what programs did they start and where are these people today in educating the minority workforce?


Please to tell us how undiverse we are ... the majority on City Council are Black...go into City Hall and Blacks are well represented ... ditto County Courthouse ... ditto schools ... ditto jobs in the private sector ... 3 radio stations serve the Black Community ... we have Blacks on YPD and YFD.


If you want to hear some of the arguments about diversity, listen to this radio program today (Tuesday, May 22).

10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.


Showing respect for each other is an essencial element of any well ordered society, but you can never force it on people, and for all the blather we hear from community activists, Youngstown is as diverse as you can get outside of our churches. Beyond that you can never force by act of law the degree of respect that the activists demand. Respect must be earned, and this will not happen by any city charter provision.

As for Mr. Boles, take a look at these two articles ... one from the Vindy and one from the Trib.

Rick Rowlands

It is meaningless, and so is the entire diversity movement.   People with common backgrounds will always congregate together, so diversity really is the forced separation of like groups into uncomfortable new groups to satisfy some politician's warped views.



One charter committee member was asking if charter proposals could be added to insure diversity.


i heard clarence boles made reference  to this such topic on his radio program this morning. what is basis for this comment?

Rick Rowlands

Well in every community there is a certain percentage of idiots.


There are a few people in the community who think some of the proposed charter changes are racially motivated.
