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What one of the best NFL quarterbacks says about Issue 2.

Started by Dan Moadus, October 05, 2011, 10:44:12 AM

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Why town.....just because someone stands behind a counter or sits behind a desk they are not
subject to unfair labor practices brought on by unfair and uncaring management?

You have a lot to learn my friend....a lot to learn.....


Quote from: irishbobcat on October 05, 2011, 10:45:07 PM
Teachers need a union to protect public education from being dismantled.....

Just like GM's workers need the UAW top protect vehicle production from being dismantled. ::) Yeah that worked out well.

I am completely astounded that someone that is so "pro-union" doesn't even know a union's true purpose. It exists to protect the interest of the majority of its members. PERIOD.

"public education" and "vehicle production" didn't form unions to have protection, people formed unions for their own protection and early on it was a sad fact that those unions were quite neccessary. People we were dying, both quick and agonizingly slow deaths due to working conditions. Many that didn't die were crippled for life. As a child in the early 70s, I had seen several old/retired guys with missing fingers/ hands/ eyes. When I asked what happened the answer was usually, "I lost it in the mill". They were some of the lucky ones.

I think it's a slap in the face to all the men, (possibly) women, and definatety children  that worked in those pre-union conditions that someone whose job consists of sitting behind a desk or standing behind a counter would possibly think they need a union.

Dan Moadus

Yeah? Well how about naming some of these wonderful inventions. Is "Magic Jack" one of them?



Scientific achievements and technology advancements are happening at a greater speed today than
at any other time in human history......

And you don't see this? What rock are you hiding under????

You will type anything....and I mean try and sell your neo-con bullcrap....

Dan Moadus

While we are still tops in the world of inventing, we are a far cry from the time when American inventions were life changing.  Today we make a better car or television. We went from vinyl to tape to compact disc, but the era of the ground breakers seems to have left us. Just look at the automobile, airplane, radio and television, they weren't just improvements they were huge leaps. We just don't see that today.

In the golden age of inventions, schooling was far less expensive and institutionalized as it is today.


That public education is not doing a good job?????

Hmmm, seems like this country has some of the brightest minds when it comes

to inventing new technology....I am sure none of the smart people in this country

attended public schools......

Dan , you might be the only example of a failed public school system with your thought process.....

Dan Moadus

If public education is ever dismantled it will be because the public wants it. Only voter approved legislators could do such a thing.

And once again Dennis fails to understand. Tarkington wasn't comparing what teachers do to what NFL players do. He was just drawing a contrast to two vastly differing systems of compensation, and drawing the point that if the practices used to determine how teachers are employed and paid were adopted by the NFL they would result in the destruction of the sport of football. Leaving one with the idea that maybe that's why public education in America isn't doing such a great job as well. But it is rather easy to go right over Dennis' head.


Teachers need a union to protect public education from being dismantled.....


and you cannot compare what a teacher does with what a coal miner does, or what a hooker in the foundry does, or what any number of people with historically dirty and dangerous jobs do. So why do teachers need a union?


 A stupid argument from Fran Tarkenton.....

Figures Dan Moadus would buy this stupid argument hook, line, and sinker......

You can't  compare what an NFL player and a teacher does......the jobs are not the same.....

It's like comparing apples to oranges....

Dan Moadus

Well, maybe not exactly, but the point he makes certainly applies: