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Clawing back a $150,000 jobs grant is the right thing for Brooklyn to do. But will JobsOhio claw back its $420,000? And why the secrecy over that JobsOhio grant? Editorial

Started by RSS, February 03, 2019, 06:28:55 AM

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Clawing back a $150,000 jobs grant is the right thing for Brooklyn to do. But will JobsOhio claw back its $420,000? And why the secrecy over that JobsOhio grant? Editorial

Kudos to the city of Brooklyn for seeking to enforce terms of its jobs grant to Keystone Tailored Manufacturing and claw back its citizens' money. JobsOhio, which provided nearly three times as much, should do the same -- and if its deal with Keystone doesn't give it the same power to claw back that money, it owes the taxpayers an explanation for why not, writes the editorial board. 

Kudos to the city of Brooklyn for seeking to enforce terms of its jobs grant to Keystone Tailored Manufacturing and claw back its citizens' money. JobsOhio, which provided nearly three times as much, should do the same -- and if its deal with Keystone doesn't give it the same power to claw back that money, it owes the taxpayers an explanation for why not, writes the editorial board.

Source: Clawing back a $150,000 jobs grant is the right thing for Brooklyn to do. But will JobsOhio claw back its $420,000? And why the secrecy over that JobsOhio grant? Editorial