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Started by jay, May 23, 2006, 08:40:29 PM

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On the Vindy web site today was an article about this issue saying that former Mayor George McKelvey strongly supports the use of surveillance cameras. It also references that section of State law that applies to swarming.

OHIO REVISED CODE Chapter 2917 - Offenses Against Public Peace -- Section 2917.11 - Disorderly Conduct.


The Chief said that he was doing just that or at least seeing how it could be done.
As you may know, a number of cities are now using video cameras mounted in trouble areas as a tool. These cameras are mounted on top of light poles and can be moved around by remote control.

Where they are used response time improves.

As for private citizens getting involved by videotaping problems, this too has had a good result in aiding the Police.


It would be beneficial if someone set up a video surveillance camera to capture these acts of swarming.  The public needs to see the extent of the problem, and the authorities need to identify the students involved.

northside lurker

To be honest, I don't regularly watch the news or read the paper.

I heard them talking about this problem on the bus driver's radio this morning.  I also just saw the recent post here, and assumed it was a new/spreading problem.

I don't know how often this issue is in the news, but I think the kids are picking up that people are starting to talk about it, and so they think it's "cool." to be the cause of trouble.

Let me be clear.  I'm NOT saying that the news should stay quiet about it.  People who are caught in this situation would be less likely to panic, if they knew that it might happen.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


As noted previously on this thread, groups of kids have been seen walking down the middle of the streets.  It was a topic on this BBS in 2003.  I've experienced it several  times.  What happened last night was different. I didn't read the article, so I was thankful for the post to this board about the situation. I might have panicked had I not read the posts. Do you really think the kids are reading the paper and watching the news? Is it getting that much attention?


The news coverage is NOT making it worse.  If anything, thankfully, it has brought attention to what has been going on for a few years.  Now more of the public is aware of the situation.

The swarmers are punks and cowards.
The majority of people have jobs, pay taxes, own tangible goods, and for too long been silent while giving more to the "wanters".

It may be a good move to have a youth director to help deter the younger kids who want better for themselves.  The rest of the thugs should be sentenced to jail time.  If there isn't enough jail space, find it !!!  It's been a disgrace to see the repeaters let out of juvenile justice center over and over again.  They graduate to more serious crimes and then everyone wonders "what happened". 

Publicize whatever wrongs are happening in our community to help bring an end to it quicker!

northside lurker

I think all the news coverage is making things worse.  These "kids" (even though you say some appear to be adults) see that this problem is getting them attention, so it has become the new fad.

I've walked through that area a couple times after dark, and I think the lighting is bad in that area because either lights are out, or they are obscured by trees.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


A little bit east of Evanston on Mayfield.
Mayfield runs parallel to Mahoning  and is near Steel Street.
The group nearest to the car was of one particular ethnicity.
I couldn't see everyone.
All males in their late teens/early twenties
For some reason there wasn't much lighting as though the street lights were out.
But streetlights tend to go out  a lot when I drive by --- maybe my headlights are badly aligned.

Frank Rizzo

Good info...Were these kids all of a particular ethnic group, or is their a mixture of "kids" in general doing this around the city? Has this happened in the suburbs? Which westside street did this happen on...or nearest intersection? Thanks.


Last night, on a West Side side street, I encountered group of young males who would not move. They were DEFINITELY doing it purposefully. They were in a spot where  cars were  parked on boths sides of the street, so there was no wiggle room at all.  I just happened to be  on the  phone.  One of them noticed the phone and moved out of the way. The others followed suite.  Perhaps they thought I was calling the police which I was ready to do... I told the person on the phone that I needed to get off to call them just as they moved.  I live only 3 blocks from where this happened. 


Just saw The Vindicator article and I wish that the radio news folks would get the story somewhere close to being the whole story, because the Vindy article quotes  Chief Hughes as saying that he's received complaints on the South Side as well as 5th avenue and is stationing officers on 5th Avenue to deal with the problem.

He is also reported as saying that he is considering videotaping large groups of kids for identification purposes.

My question is, how would he do this. It seems to me that if these kids saw officers videotaping them that they would be on their best behavior.

Does he plan to have cameras set up like they have in Girard?


In the news a representative of YPD seemed to debunk the swarming issue.

Frank Rizzo

I used to live on the South Side back in '92 and the kids from south high school would do the same thing. It's just an intimidation thing. Best thing to do is ignore them, play with the radio and don't make eye contact...that will just make the issue worse. As far as the swarming thing you have to protect yourself first, just stay cool and react if necessary...but NEVER get out of your car...that's just stupid. Remember these are just young kids looking for attention...don't be intimidated, just stay cool and call the police so they can do an assessment of the area.


"I drop my son at Chaney every day and MANY parents just stop anywhere and drop. The students are coming at you from all directions. They do not look or stop. It is not swarming or intentional harassment, but I feel a parent's obvious lack of concern contributes to their children's lack of good judgement in regard to traffic."

I completely agree it is the parents' lack of concern.  The situation is the same at the new West Elementary.  Kids, one watches where they are going.  It's ridiculous.  The kids walking home from school on the residential streets are the same too.  They cross in big groups and seem to think that since there are enough of them, the cars will stop while they cross.  They don't make any effort to move any quicker when they realize they are blocking traffic either.  These kids are growing up thinking they own the streets and the world revolves around them.


Last fall I was on Fifth Avenue at the time of high school dismissal, practically on that corner. The students swarmed into the street and made it obvious they were not going to move for anyone's vehicle.  They did not approach any vehicles but  the situation made the drivers uncomfortable ...well at least that was the impression I came away with.  I know I was uncomfortable.

I live in Youngstown and I find that  when I drive side streets on the South or North sides, weather permitting,  the youngsters are congregated in the middle of the streets.  They walk in large groups and make it very difficult to pass. This is  becoming an issue on the West side as well.

I drop my son at Chaney every day and MANY parents just stop anywhere and drop. The students are coming at you from all directions. They do not look or stop. It is not swarming or intentional harassment, but I feel a parent's obvious lack of concern contributes to their children's lack of good judgement in regard to traffic.

Check out this post from 2003