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Obama Rally

Started by Towntalk, February 18, 2008, 11:59:59 PM

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rusty river

Quote from: Towntalk on February 19, 2008, 09:45:06 AM

I agree with Jay that locating her rally at Chaney is a real blunder on her committee's part, and I'm surprised that the Secret Service would have approved it based on Jay's point. It's a disaster waiting to happen traffic wise assuming of course she can draw the kind of crowd that Obama did.

As seen thus far in her campaign, Clinton's rallys and events don't attract nearly as much people as Obama's. Most of her stops in Ohio have been and will continue to be smaller press conferences and rallys. She held a rally at a Cleveland high school a couple days ago. Chaney's gym can accommodate about 1,200 for the event. Her campaign and political analysts have said she performs best and is most comfortable and effective with this size crowd. I wouldn't think that too many young people will turn out


As to... Why Chaney?

Austintown Fitch was suggested by local organizers for ease of convenience and parking.

However, Sen. Clinton requested that it be at an inner-city school


I didn't mean to imply that the 6400 applied to Chaney.

The topic was the Obama Rally at YSU and the 6400 applied to that rally and that rally alone.

I would be amazed if the Clinton rally draws 1500.

The one thing that really amazes me is the fact that this election is inspiring the youth vote as no other election since 1960. Could this be the key to the sort of changes that this valley really needs.

We can all agree that the old guard in both parties have driven this valley into the ground and locked out the young adults for too long, just to maintain their own power. Hopefully, enough of our young adults can be so activated that the death grip that the old guard has held can be broken once and for all.

For my own part, I include both parties. At my time in life, I don't care one way or another for myself, but we've got to think about our future which rests with our young people, they are after all the real hope for the Mahoning Valley.

northside lurker

Chaney's auditorium has 730-740 seats.

I haven't read the Vindy, are they saying 6400 people are expected to attend the Clinton rally???  I don't think you could legally put more than 3000 people in the gym and auditorium.  Maybe they'll put people in other spaces--like the cafeteria, media center, and multi-purpose room?

I'm not so worried about the traffic.  I'm guessing that Hillary's security staff will have it moving very efficiently.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


No where near 6,400 as reported in the Vindicator I should think.

I agree with Jay that locating her rally at Chaney is a real blunder on her committee's part, and I'm surprised that the Secret Service would have approved it based on Jay's point. It's a disaster waiting to happen traffic wise assuming of course she can draw the kind of crowd that Obama did.

We're told on an hourly basis that everyone in Ohio love the Clinton's so it would be within the realm of reason to think that there will be a whole lot of people that will converge on Chaney in the sincere hope that they will be able to bask in her "glory" as if it came down from on high, that will not be able to get in, and lets face it, only a complete blind fool would stand outside in the cold for the time that the rally will take.

If on the other hand, both the auditorium and the gym were to be used, they could possably squeeze in a couple of thousand into the school.

The one good thing is that her rally will be televised and broadcast on WKBN Radio.

What I'm waiting to see is what the makeup of the audience will be so that I can make a good comparison between the two.

Will she draw in the young adults to the extent that Obama did? Will she inspire young adults to get involved in the election the way Obama has? Or will she settle for the Old Guard Democrats of Mahoning County?

If we base our conclusion on the example of what Jay Williams pulled off, she's got her work cut out for her here in Mahoning County.

northside lurker

Quote from: Towntalk on February 18, 2008, 11:59:59 PM
Did anyone here go to the Obama rally today at YSU? The news media tells us that there were an estimated 6000 people there. Hillary will be holding a rally at Chaney High. How many can that hold?

In the gym, the bleachers alone can hold about 1130 people.  I don't know how many people could be added with floor seating.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


The Chevy Centre is being used for an event on Tuesday evening.  I'm not sure if Beeghley was available again.

Chaney is in the middle of a quite residential neighborhood.  The influx of thousands of people could cause major traffic problems on all the streets near the school.


Did anyone here go to the Obama rally today at YSU? The news media tells us that there were an estimated 6000 people there. Hillary will be holding a rally at Chaney High. How many can that hold?

What's so notable is that the Obama crowd was mostly young adults and in the recap one of the interviewed "experts" (Didn't catch his name but it was most likely the Political Science prof from YSU.) said that he was told by the Board of Elections that over 700 university students put in applications for volunteer work election day ... the highest in anyones memory, and they are getting a high level or registrations from young adults who had not voted before.

If this holds up right up to election time we may well break records in Primary voting here in Mahoning County. It certainly be refreshing to hear that on election night the Board will announce a record breaking turnout.

One reporter suggested that it could spell the end of the old guard Democrats in Mahoning County.