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Final Charter Review Public Meeting - Tuesday, May 22

Started by jay, May 21, 2012, 05:54:09 AM

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Isn't that the way the United States started out with only the "free white property owners" being allowed to vote ?   Am I correct in that ?  It is an interesting idea.  Would that mean one vote per property owner or one vote for each piece of property owned ?  If a deed is co-owned would each person receive one vote ?  My wife and I own our property - would we get 1/2 a vote each?  Would you consider such a vote as going forward towards a more civilized state ?  What about absentee owners and banks, mortgage companies, "The VA", Housing Authorities and others never dreamed of in the late 1700's - who would vote for - dare I call them - "them"?

Rick Rowlands

Yes!  Why not?  You would have a stake in Hubbard so you should have a say.  Actually property owners should have more rights than mere residents who don't own property.  Only property owners should vote on property taxes.


i left that meeting due to that nonsense from the illerate, uninformed and immature audience(not all). i left to have dinner at roberto's to enjoy a nice quite evening with reasonable frds then later on to join frds at the mvr, who stayed at the meeting because they felt it was part of their penance for the week.


Wow - you mean that lady that was so disruptive lives in Campbell ?    I bet I know who it is and I bet she owns a house on Lansdowne that her daughter lives in - perfect fit - she probable is the Democrat Prescient Committee Person for that Prescient in Youngstown - wouldn't supprise me - I had to laugh when some one in that area said "Don't tell me what to do" - I bet THAT was her speaking.   
I absolutely LOVED the dynamics at that meeting - PHILL KIDD - did a bang up job (and I think he had just a little help from his friends  :laugh: with moving the meeting along  :-X ).   It really showed the mentality some people have being so focused on their own agenda that they can not see, nor probably care, beyond it.  Some people didn't fully grasp exactly how the meeting came about and what it was about - didn't have a CLUE - even thought they were told in different ways - it just may have been beyond them or they really didn't listen or appreciate or even know all that it took to bring this vote together. 


rr if i owned property in hubbard should i be able to vote for council reps too?

Rick Rowlands

I did not attend the meeting, but if I had, should I have been allowed to vote?  I live in Hubbard, but personally own a house on Lansdowne and run an organization that owns property on Hubbard Road, both in the city.   Just because a person does not personally live in Youngstown does not mean that the person is not affected by the charter changes and should not have a voice. 


Jay you just made the case for why those meetings are as worthless as chicken wings on a duck billed platypus.


I feel that the members of the commission and members of city council should not have been given the Turning Technologies touch pads.  Members of the commission already voted on the charter review changes.  City Council will soon hold their official vote on these issues.

Also, several of those in the audience didn't even live in Youngstown.  One person lived in Boardman, another lived in Trumbull County.  One woman who caused a commotion with her questions admitted to those seated near her that she lived in Campbell.


This public meeting was chaotic at times.

The room was full and some people had to stand.


Final Charter Review Public Meeting

Tuesday, May 22, 6 :00 p.m.

- Location -
Center of Industry and Labor
(aka Steel Museum)
151 West Wood Street
Youngstown, Ohio

Turning Technologies touch pads will be used to gauge public support for each suggested charter review change.