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An ominous sign.

Started by Dan Moadus, November 09, 2010, 12:09:51 AM

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Dan Moadus

Yes "Towntalk", I read over the report. I'm afraid that it will end up as other efforts to cut the deficit did, using the report to raise taxes, but disregarding the reccommended cuts. I could live with the increase in taxes if they cut spending. Let them do that first, before a single tax is raised. I do object to adding 15 cents per gallon on gas though, even if they cut spending. Gas tax should not be used to fund anything but road building and maintenance.


Never so true words said YTS ! I recently got back into ham radio and am needing some power tubes for an old USA made amplifier , The tubes are no longer made here they are made in Russia and China and are of dubious quality, prices are very high also . China has been around alot longer than we have and is stronger than ever . I really believe that the folks here in the USA think nothing bad can happen here, as bobcat uttered in post # 21 " the sky is falling". I do think we are in for a reality check and sooner than some think.


Having grown up in Asia and at an early age witnessed currency fluctuations, we are in for a shock of our lives.  I have to laugh when I constantly hear the naive rationale that China will fold if they cannot export to us.  Asia is a vast market and right now the manufacturing base there is retooling for internal consumption, kinda of like Henry Ford when he invented the assembly line to supply our internal market.  No, China was capitalist way longer than us and they know how to do business; when Mao took China, all the capitalist moved to the little dragons and made them powerhouses.  Now they have returned and are responsible for the wealth of China today.  Funny how our last ditch effort is to flood the world with dollars, what we don't see is that many of our suppliers no longer want the USD.  The backlash is soon to be China flooding our market with dollars in exchange for assets.


Dan, did you bother to read the link that I provided for your benefit in my previous post here?


Our country is at a point and surely Youngstown is, wherein we have nothing to sell India, China or Russia.  And yet, almost every item consumed by us is made over there, how long can this go on?


Dan, It seems like the politicians in office have only one agenda and that is their own.  In the past I have called, written  and emailed these people and most times when I did get a response It was a generic form letter.


Changes in the wind. Take a gander at this government document that wasn't meant for release to the public.

Dan Moadus

If you can spare a little time, please call or e-mail your Representatives to insist that the FED back off this crazy idea of inflating the economy. Even if it would help stimulate the economy (which is doubtful, because the $900 billion stimulus didn't) why on God's green Earth would we want to raise prices. Let the economy alone. Let prices continue to deflate. Even if QE2 (pumping massive amounts of money into the economy)would work, many people will still be out of work, and would suffer greatly as prices rise.


Quote from: irishbobcat on November 11, 2010, 07:17:45 AM
The sky is falling, the sky is old coots continue to crack me up.....
Okay buckwheat and what is your age ?


The sky is falling, the sky is old coots continue to crack me up.....


That's one of them for sure Rick . Just how in Gods name can a person be so stupid ? When I hear Man is made in Gods image , sometimes I cringe.

Rick Rowlands

Did you dribble all over yourself!  Awww, NOW BACK TO YOUR ROOM!


Typical Neo-Con "Tough Daddy" Act from little Ricky........

Please, spare me your dribble.....

Rick Rowlands

You mean this video Oldmill?

Dennis, go to your room!  No dinner for you until you learn some manners!


Quote from: irishbobcat on November 10, 2010, 04:13:56 PM
I can't believe all this alarmist stuff again. Is it Y2K all over again?

Besides, you Neo-Cons won the election, won't we all be living in milk and honey by January 2nd?

I mean, this is what you promised Ohio and America!!!!
Bobcat ,C'mon now You of all people should know anytime a politician opens its mouth its lying. I can promise you anything if I cant get my wife to agree with me , it just ain't going to happen. Hmmmm, Lemmme see here I remember seeing some videos just after O'bama won the 08 election of people saying the world is saved,  I don't have to pay my mortgage no more, Free healthcare etc..... If you actually believe anything a politician says he or she is "GOING" to do  , you live in a dream world . Now that person may want to do the things spewing from their mouths  but if the others in offices don't agree with him or her forget it ! The road to hell was paved with good intentions  . My apologies to any and all politicians here I am not a politics type of person.