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Mayoral Appointees

Started by jay, December 19, 2005, 09:45:47 PM

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Maybe you can tell that to the citizens whose homes were burglarized in the past few months.  Most of them were senior citizens.  There were 27 burglaries in a 1 month period in a section of one side of town.

It would be nice to clean up the blight, but we think there are more urgent issues that need to be addressed immediately.  Putting the thugs in jails and punishing them for THEIR crimes seem to be on the top of most people's list. We pay dearly for their crimes: paying to fix broken doors and windows, cleaning the mess, losing sentimental items, living in fear everytime we leave the house thinking we'll be hit again, etc.

How about the creation of jobs with better pay scales so that people can support their families and afford hospitalization.

Only time will tell whether a million to remove blight will make the lives of the people of Youngstown any better.


Quote from: D.A. on April 22, 2006, 11:53:33 AM
Mayor Williams kept too many department heads from the previous administration.   McKelvey and his staff were clueless in terms of solving the problems of Youngstown.

Last time I checked, Jay has many different ideas than McKelvey.
Crime is at a lesser point this time than last year.... More blight is being removed isn't it DA??? 1 million dollars worth.


Mayor Williams kept too many department heads from the previous administration.   McKelvey and his staff were clueless in terms of solving the problems of Youngstown.


I like it but I do Hope Jay can get Bob Bush a job..... Let's hope he will get back into law or find a job in the county or university... He is vital to the area.

But JAY made great choices.


Jay Williams Announces New Cabinet
Story from the WKBN TV 27 Web Site on 1/4/2006.

Jay Williams New Cabinet:
Police Chief: Jimmy Hughes
Water Commissioner: John Casciano
Water Department Auditor/Office Manager: Harry Johnson III
Fire Chief: John O' Neill Jr.
Deputy Director Public Works: Carmen Conglose Jr.
Law Director: Iris Torres Guglucello
Finance Director: David Bozanich
Deputy Director of Finance: Kyle Miasek
City Prosecutor: Joseph Macejko


Who is on the Jay Williams' cabinet selection committee?  The names seem to be the best kept secret in the city.


Are there any guesses for the cabinet appointments under the new mayor?

A recent rumor feels the CDA director will come from the Planning Department's existing staff.