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City Lot

Started by jay, June 04, 2010, 05:38:41 AM

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Thank you Solomia.
We need more people like you.


143 Wesley is part of 141 Wesley a Duplex is on this lot , the abondoned lot was owned by Dave Dunkin and the house was removed by the city ,  since the house was removed I did not want the land to  be a eyesore so I have since taken care of this property, stop by to see how well this property has been taken care of for free...


I HAVE BEEN CUTTING THE PROPERTY FOR 6 YEARS NEXT TO 143 wesley and called the auditor to get info but no one got back to me.  I know the property at one time belonged to Dave Duncan. I think he passed on....


if i am not mistaken the city has a land bank program on its book that if a homeowner takes care of abandoned lot next to their property for five years its their for the keeping. check to see if this is still exist.


who is david duncan. sorry to hear about your poison ivy case.


I have been cutting the lot next to 143 Wesley for 6 years, have planted a peach tree, strawberries, vege's, rasberries, , city wants 1500.00 for lot , but I have been the one taking off, recently got a good case of poisin sumac not good... Was the land where Dave Duncan had lived.


i encourage next year that all ytown city blockwatches summit applications to the street department to cut vacant lots at $45.00 a cut. this is a nice way of making monies for cash stapped blockwatches.


When the grass was still high, you could see evidence that people had worn a path as they cut through the lot to get from Glenellen to Schenley.  I've seen teens playing football on the lot several times over the years.


Thats great. Any idea who cut it?  Also, do you know if it is used at all?


I drove past this lot today and I am happy to report that someone has cut the grass.


The Youngstown 2010 plan proposes the creation of more parks and
green spaces on some of the vacant land in the city as part of its
"smart decline" strategy - the problem with this approach, of course,
is that someone will have to maintain these parks and green spaces.

If the city is too strapped for resources to keep the grass mowed on
these lots, then I think I would have to agree with Rick here and say
that the city should let the lot go back to nature.  Maybe even with a
little help, ie: plant some trees and other greenery so that the lot won't
just be another one full of weeds and high grass.


I checked it out and I do not think I could cut it. Anyone know who actually owns this property? When I looked on the Auditor website it looked like it was part of the library property. Does anyone use this property? I think there are too many small parks. I would like to see something other than high grass there.

Rick Rowlands

Anyone get the feeling that there are too many little parks in the city, and that the population decline has made some of those parks unsustainable?  Maybe this one just needs to go back to nature, and our limited resources focused instead on other parks that have a chance of being used. 


Maybe I will try to check it out in the next day or so. Just have a regular old mower.


The grass on this lot probably could be cut with a household lawnmower but it would take a long time.

I still think the lot is part of the Youngstown Parks and Recreation system.

Maybe Treez Please could plant some trees and turn this lot into a piece of forested land.