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Tod Engine Heritage Park Informal Open Days

Started by Rick Rowlands, April 02, 2010, 07:13:34 AM

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Rick, Was working on the eastside most of the day, started around eight, was digging and I have a pair of ducks who have took over the pond hanging with me.  What a great morning it was, the Sharon line is country to me.  Started hauling top soil to Canfield and took a new route exiting from High St. onto 680, the view of downtown Youngstown from that approach was picturesque.



Thanks for being a great host and having me over to the site.  I downloaded the
photos from my camera, and they look really good - nice sunny day and lots of
light, etc.

I will try to put up a new gallery for them on the website in the next day or three,
and I'll be hitting you up via email to get some info to post with the photos.

Keep up the great work!


Rick Rowlands

Why?Town, AllanY2525 and YoungstownShrimp all stopped by today.  Thanks for the visits and I enjoyed the conversations.  Looking forward to seeing a few more of you tomorrow!


I love it when everyone is productive, at least most of the people I hang out with.  Rick. I was just at the Landsdowne airport this morning.  Great progress, a large demolition contractor working in YTown is moving in heavy equiptment to one of my landowner associates acreage.  They are going to dig shrimp ponds for the dirt needed at their demo site, what a great idea!  Eight tandem loads to start, looking at the savings for eastside land.  It cost about 3K to dig a half acre.

Rick Rowlands

Today and Saturday I will be at the Tod Engine Heritage Park for most of the daylight hours digging footers for the end walls of our new building.  I welcome anyone from this forum to stop by if you are on this side of town.  If you do stop, the gate is open and nobody is there then I probably went out for food or to get supplies.