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Downtown Business Council

Started by jay, March 31, 2010, 09:58:05 PM

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oh yeah its open! I just got the menu, I'm not sure how, but i will try to scan and post it.

McAllister's Homemade IceCream OPEN Mon-Fri 7am-5pm

i can fax the menu to anyone who would like it


iwasthere thanx you. :D do you have the any info for the icecream store that is supposed to open up in the parking deck across the street from the city hall?


Thank you for asking Iwasthere,  :) a few weeks ago when she set up in front of Tomisino's Pizza she did not have permission to set up in that location and she also did not have proof of a vendors permit.

Now things are clear as to where she can set up and she does have recent up to date permits to vend Downtown.


the purple cat issue was the first for me too. i have to admit i have witnessed people parking their cars between the cones that are set up in front of the their candy store. :o
lynds does the hotdog vendor in front of federal place have a current food vendor license. i was downtown on Good Friday and i over heard a conversation by regular downtown customers that this hotdog vendor did not have a current food vendor license. lynds, iwasthere never want to spread unwarranted information about anyone. :o can you check this out for iwasthere and other concern citizens. :D


Have to admit, some of the concerns, especially those from the Purple Cat I had never heard before either, and I speak to that organization on a weekly basis, sometimes daily. Some of the other concerns, the need for a Downtown Shuttle, Monday through Friday, during the day and night,  I have to admit, I really don't support.


i too saw it was productive among the concerns. the council reps that were there were shocked to hear about some of the concerns. these individuals must have been sleeping when a ytown resident spoke at council recently about some of the concerns that they were not aware of these problems. ::) ???


I suggested that the businesses call the Mahoning County Green Team, at my last job and in City Hall they drop off bins and also come and empty them for free.


overall i thought it was a pretty good meeting. Thanks for coming J


These were some of the topics discussed at the Downtown Business Council meeting tonight.

Parking/Transportation - problematic ticketing
Need for recycling options - especially for businesses
Security - after 2:00 a.m., beggars
Downtown Events - need for internet calendar and hard copy
Lighting - better lighting is on the way
Downtown Free Internet - how did Erie, PA do it

Councilmembers present
Councilman Brown
Councilwoman Gillam
Councilman Kitchen
Councilwoman Tarpley


I wish the Downtown Business Council a lot of luck.  These groups tend to come and go over time.

Here is a list we compiled is 2003.

This is a list of groups that are working on certain aspects of downtown Youngstown.  If anyone knows the name of a missing group, please post the information.

Chamber of Commerce
City Council/Planning
Community Improvement Corporation
Convention and Visitors Bureau
Downtown Partners
Downtown Revitalization Committee
Federal Plaza Committee
First Night Youngstown
Mahoning Commons
2010 Downtown Working Group
Wick Neighbors
Youngstown Arts Council
Youngstown Arts & Entertainment District Association
YSU Urban Studies


Blush :)

Actually Why?town did trouble ever operate at a given time of day?

Again as to the museum, there's no argument about its hours ... but there is about perception and like it or not that is what we have to deal with in downtown Youngstown., and while you and I may not like it, we're helpless to change the minds and hearts of others, especially parents.

Families go to shows at Powers or the Covelli Center and witness the carryings on at the saloon in question, and that sticks in their minds right along with the wonderful show they saw. They don't need to read about in in the paper or on the nightly news ... they saw it first hand. And they don't like what they saw.

Back in the good old days, when Youngstown was wide open there were a number of saloons catering to trouble makers and the respectful folks refused to allow their wives and children to come downtown unescorted, and after dark, forget it.

I would be the first to try to change people's minds about downtown, whether day or night, but I know that it would do little good.

Most of my working life was spent downtown (about 30 years) and no one likes that area more than me, but I am also wise enough to know that it doesn't take much to scare people away from the area. One incident is sufficient.

We all want to see downtown become a showpiece ... a destination day or night, and we all want to see more businesses to invest in downtown Youngstown, but so long as there is even one place that reenfources the negative, this will not happen. Business men and women will not risk their money in an area that could quickly become another Hillman Street.


I agree that some type of security guards - be they police or a private agency - would go a long
ways towards addressing the problem.  Someone from the city (or perhaps the liquor control board?)
should approach the owner(s) and explain the problem to them - with "crystal clarity",  but in the end
they have every legal right to do business, provided they maintain lawful conduct within their walls.

The liquor control board could be used as leverage to get the owner to hire security, perhaps
suggesting to the owner(s) that their liquor license could be in jeopardy if the club is creating a
nuisance - but in the end, all legal adults are ultimately responsible for their own good conduct.

Because the bar is downtown, it does not own the property outside the bar itself,  the city does.
They are not legally obligated to guarantee the best behaviour of everyone who patronizes their
establishment once they have left the premises. 

If they are selling drugs inside the bar, the city or county needs to send some undercover officers
into the club and make some arrests - that should bring it to a screeching halt.   If it can be proven
that drugs or other illegal stuff is being sold in the bar, then it very well should have it's liquor
license suspended, or even revoked altogether - you'll get no argument from me on that one.

I also seriously doubt that the children's museum is open at 2 a.m., and any person who would
bring a child there at 2 a.m. needs to have their head examined.

Towntalk - I never mind it when you disagree with me (or anyone else) - because you always do
it in an agreeable manner
  :::grin:::   and I totally respect your opinion, just as you do mine. 

You are a good debater and I always find that mentally stimulating - you are one smart lady!



I don't doubt that the owners of the Love Lounge aren't doing what they should be.

I'm just saying that owners, even responsible ones, can only control so much. Police presence would do wonders. They don't have to camp out there but if they were known to swing by every so often the riff-raff would take note and find a better (worse) place to hang out.

Are there problems during the day? If so then the Museum would be affected but iwasthere only mentions problems at night.


As to the owner and his employees being "responsable".

If they were responsable, they would not have allowed it to get to the point it is today.

You don't find the sort of problems that this saloon has because they are responsable. I have absolutely no doubt that at the first sign of problems they would call the police. They have made an investment in their business that they would want protected.