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Youngstown Shrimp needs to be kicked off the board..

Started by woozle, March 22, 2010, 11:02:23 AM

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So what would you call criminal damaging??  You cut trees that were not yours to cut. 


Very good!  get it right!  so you now come clean that it isn't "tree theft."  Have a good life and please go gossip somewhere else and hide.  Hopefully I won't be distracted by you again while I better my community, please come and watch a free movie this summer.


You plead guilty to criminal damaging according to the court records.  The record speaks for itself.

I have no intentions of retracting my posts and again I will remind you that the defination of slander is a communication of "false statements".  You have not offered up anything that would indicate that my statements are false.  I suspect that Jay Macejko would get a good chuckle out of all of this. 


Mr. Forum Manager,

I have no problem with the Vindicator and the court records.  The problem is when nameless Shar makes her accusations referencing documents other than official court convictions.  She has repeatedly defamed and slandered me with the National Inquirer (Vindy) and a court complaint , there are NO CONVICTIONS for tree theft.  Justice is to tell the WHOLE truth not what backs up ones hate.  If the nameless one told the whole story, everyone would see that the Vindy issued a RETRACTION.

I agree with you and understand that you need a court order to reveal information.  Shar needs to retract her post and move on in life, I am a private person and not a celebrity, she needs to go gossip somewhere else and quit trying to be paparazzi.  If this slander continues, I will talk to Jay Macejko, the prosecutor, I maybe guessing, but I believe the penalty for slander is jail time.


Quote from: Youngstownshrimp on March 27, 2010, 11:30:32 PM
This is getting very old.  If Shar's definite proof is the Vindicator, she is ignorant to the burden of proof.  The Vindicator is not a court's verdict, she needs to do better than a Vindicator article.

In America, we have the right to confront our accusers.  I am requesting the Forum Manager identify this accuser that I may decide to make a formal legal complaint.

Read my post again Ron.  I have linked to the court docket, I am not just relying on the Vindicator.  If all of this in untrue then your case is with the Youngstown Vindicator and the Mahoning County Courts.  All of this information is available to anyone with internet access.  All public information.  I suggest that you go to the Courthouse and demand to have the records corrected as you are apparently saying that they are incorrect.  This is a forum, not a court and I am not your accuser, I am just reading the public records.  There is no burden of proof on my part, it appears to me that you already had your day in court and were found guilty. 

You are the one who chose to come to a public forum and tell the world what your name is.  I did not.  As I said before, I started coming to this forum to see what was happing in the City of Youngstown, because I live here and because I am proud to be here.  I love my city.  You, as far as I am concerned have made a mockery of this city and area with your actions.  Actions speak much louder than words.  As my dad used to say, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.  You, my friend, need to put down the stones in your hands. 


Quote from: Youngstownshrimp on March 27, 2010, 11:30:32 PMI am requesting the Forum Manager identify this accuser that I may decide to make a formal legal complaint.

I have no proof of identity for any member.  At times members post their true identity in the forum.  I have access to only an IP, the members' email address and  any information they've added to their profile such as web site addresses or instant message user names.  I will only divulge that information if a law enforcement agency contacts me  a warrant.

If what is  written in the article is false perhaps you should make a formal  legal complaint about the Vindicator instead of a person that quotes them. 


This is getting very old.  If Shar's definite proof is the Vindicator, she is ignorant to the burden of proof.  The Vindicator is not a court's verdict, she needs to do better than a Vindicator article.

In America, we have the right to confront our accusers.  I am requesting the Forum Manager identify this accuser that I may decide to make a formal legal complaint.


Quote from: ForumManager on March 27, 2010, 07:25:47 PM
This thread has been reported to the moderator.

The following request was made
« Harvesting timber on other peoples property is slander, please remove. »

Please provide definite proof of this accusation or remove it from your post.

Thank you.

This is getting old folks. 

I would be happy to provide you with definate proof.

Link to the Vindicator article regarding the illegal tree harvesting.

Link to the Mahoning County Court website. This is one of the cases related to the tree harvesting.
Link to the Mahoning County Auditors website with a listing of all properties owned by this man.  There are several pages.  Click into any one of the properties and there are delinquent taxes on the property.|owner=EISELSTEIN+R&owner=EISELSTEIN+R

I am tired of coming to this site and in most every thread finding a post from Youngstownshrimp telling everyone how much he is doing for this community and criticizing others for what they do.  I have asked him on several occasions to explaing how he is not part of the problem.  My questions have been met with name calling and ridicule from him.  You are welcome to keep him here to pollute the site with garbage but I will not be here to read it.


This thread has been reported to the moderator.

The following request was made
« Harvesting timber on other peoples property is slander, please remove. »

Please provide definite proof of this accusation or remove it from your post.

Thank you.

This is getting old folks. 


Quote from: Youngstownshrimp on March 27, 2010, 10:23:55 AM
Forum Manager, the post by Shar is slander, please remove as soon as possible.

The truth is not slander.  I can read on the internet as everyone else can all of the court and property records.  There is nothing in my post that is not in a public record.  Shall I post the defination of slander for you again or did you read it the last time you accused a poster of slander and posted the defination for you??

Edited to add.......

Oops...I stand corrected, it was "libel" that rusty river defined for you.  I will give you the defination of slander.  The key word in the defination is "false".  Nothing I said was false. 

slan·der (slndr)
1. Law Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone.
v. slan·dered, slan·der·ing, slan·ders
To utter a slander about. See Synonyms at malign.
To utter or spread slander.


Forum Manager, the post by Shar is slander, please remove as soon as possible.


Quote from: Youngstownshrimp on March 26, 2010, 06:42:52 AM
So let me try to understand this, Woozle made a motion to have Youngstownshrimp kicked off the board.  Youngstownshrimp isn't kicked off the board but Woozle voluntarily quit this forum, why does one quit anything?  When I was in bootcamp, the drill instructor wanted to find the quitters, there was no place for quitters in the military.  In business as in the military, quitters soon find out that no one wants to do business with quitters.

I'm not sure that I think that choosing to go to other forums rather than this one is "quitting".  That is your word, not Woozle's.  This is not a business, it is a forum where people come to chat and see what is going on in the YTown area.  You have attacked those who ask you questions that you don't want to answer.  You post completely off topic responses in threads trying to promote yourself and your business.  It has made this forum become not much fun for me as well.  I know that you don't care because everything you post is about you and what you can suck out of this community and the taxpayers here......unpaid taxes, unpaid judgments, lawsuits, harvesting trees not on your own property...the list goes on.  I have been coming here for almost 5 years, you have been here for 5 months.  You can take over this board if you choose to but I don't have to come here and read all of the crap that you spew either. 


Quote from: woozle on March 23, 2010, 09:27:55 PM
Do you even live here Allen???


Not only did I spend the first 25 years of my life in Youngstown,  I have family and friends living here
and I own several properties in Youngstown as well.  I plan on returning to Youngstown when I retire
and still have a vested interest in the city and it's well-being.

When I am working on my properties, I often spend weeks at a time right here in good old Youngstown,
so you could basically say that I am still a part-time resident of the city - and a tax payer here as well.
I attend neighborhood meetings, local events, etc. as I am able to.

As Forum Manager already indicated, I have a website which is dedicated solely to Youngstown, her historic
homes and buildings, history, etc - so if you have any doubt as to my "street cred" - go check out the
web site:

Oh... please sign my guest book when you visit the site... thanks!


So let me try to understand this, Woozle made a motion to have Youngstownshrimp kicked off the board.  Youngstownshrimp isn't kicked off the board but Woozle voluntarily quit this forum, why does one quit anything?  When I was in bootcamp, the drill instructor wanted to find the quitters, there was no place for quitters in the military.  In business as in the military, quitters soon find out that no one wants to do business with quitters.


Living "here" is not a requirement.  Many of the forum members are former residents that want to stay in touch. 
Allan has done MUCH to promote Youngstown online.