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Trust in the People, not the Government!

Started by Rick Rowlands, March 01, 2010, 07:33:05 AM

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northside lurker

What's the history behind how our government became the way it is now?  I ask because, though I don't know for sure, (I've never been a history buff) I believe the people of this country are the ones who made our government the way it is today, for better or worse, with their vote.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison

Rick Rowlands

Quote from: irishbobcat on March 01, 2010, 11:18:48 AM
Dan, I never met a conservative who helped the working class, the poor, and the middle class. You won't help them either. Dan, you are a conservative Republican poser....your dog don't hunt, and your campaign won't fly in the 17th district...go take a hike!

Where in our founding documents does it say that the government is here to "help" the people?  This notion that the government is here to help is wrong.  The government is here to provide a framework for the interaction of the citizens and to do those tasks that are of the benefit of all citizens.  Nowhere did the Founding Fathers say the Federal government's duty was to help citizens.  Of course each State may elect to "help" their citizens, but that is not one of the enumerated powers of the Constitution.


People like the Bobster will never show his face in public for a debate, forums like this one is going to one day wither away.  Look at the amount of active participants, dwindling.  Many intellectuals are going to FB and having honest debates and dialogues, the days of incognito commenting are going the way of our economy, down the drain.  No one wants to debate someone who isn't even proud of who they are.


why not have a sponsor public debate sponsored by this forum at the Lemon Grove in April?


"Repeal that [welfare] law, and you will soon see a change in
their manners. ... Six days shalt thou labor, though one of
the old commandments long treated as out of date, will again be
looked upon as a respectable precept; industry will increase,
and with it plenty among the lower people; their circumstances
will mend, and more will be done for their happiness by inuring
them to provide for themselves, than could be done by dividing
all your estates among them."
Benjamin Franklin
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


Dennis, I never said I was, and I simply asked a question that any voter would ask.

If you can't handle my questions, how do you expect to cope with legislators that you would have to deal with in Columbus.

Ever since you joined this forum, I've been nothing but polite to you compared to others who dislike you, and don't appreciate your smart remarks, but obviously you don't take that into consideration, yet you want our votes. It's little wonder that in your past race for Congress that you lost.

With your nasty attitude toward others you do more harm to the Green Party than good.

Dan Moadus

To me, "Towntalk", "government of the people, by the people and for the people" means above all else, that our rights and freedoms are natural rights and freedoms, and not something that was granted by government. "We" decide the nature, and scope of the power "we" grant to our government, not the other way around, though you wouldn't know it today.

This government's trampling of this principle, is a big reason why I am running in this election. I have long felt that our government is growing to the point of becoming oppressive, and with the election of Obama, has taken "A great leap forward" to use a phrase that would fit in well with his Administration.

Watching him take over auto companies, banks, and the attempt to take over the health care industry is making me feel like I'm living in Venezuela. Additionally, he has appointed Cabinet members and "Czars" who make it abundantly clear that they want to clamp down on Talk Radio, restrict guns, and deny secret ballots to some people.

I am a candidate because it is clear to me that Tim Ryan does not share my fears. He is perfectly willing to aid Obama in "changing" our government, and I did not see any Democrats from our area stepping forward to challenge his desertion of American values, and Constitutional principles.

You advised that I get out and talk with district voters. I have been doing just that. I have done radio interviews in Youngstown and Akron. I have been interviewed on some internet radio shows, including the "Valley View" here in our valley, and I have done interviews with area newspapers. Also since last February, I have participated in many "Tea Parties" speaking at two, and I have been meeting with the Akron/Fairlawn 912 meetup group, the Portage County Tea Party group, and the Tri County Tea Party group. I will be speaking to the Portage County group on March 9th.

If it seems as though I am focusing on the Tea Party people it is because I am. My candidacy stems directly from the movement, as I think they truly represent the views of most sensible Americans. Their numbers are vast, and are comprised of what is often called the "silent majority". They reject the efforts of both parties and any famous politician to lead them preferring to remaining leaderless and relying instead, on the belief that millions of good Americans share their views and need no one to follow.  I share their views, and am counting on their help and support.


Towntalk....As my Dad used to say, Who died and made you QUEEN of the forum?


Dan, I never met a conservative who helped the working class, the poor, and the middle class. You won't help them either. Dan, you are a conservative Republican poser....your dog don't hunt, and your campaign won't fly in the 17th district...go take a hike!


I take it that the government should never trust the people Dennis. The people should be seen as incapable of doing the right thing.

Do not our founding documents say ... government of the people, by the people, for the people?

For those of us who follow politics on a regular basis it becomes painfully obvious that government has strayed far afield of what our founding fathers envisioned for our country, and is moving closer to a socialist form of government, and moving further away from that government of, by and for the people.

Let me ask both Dennis and Dan this question: What does the term "government of the people, by the people and for the people" mean to you?

Dennis, you want to be governor of Ohio.

Dan, you want to be our next Congressman.

Rather than fight with each other and resort to name calling against those who disagree with you, which is childish, why don't you convince us that a vote for you wouldn't be a wasted vote?

To be perfectly honest, we're not impressed with either of you to do the right thing for our state and district.

Dennis, you expend huge amounts of time "educating us here", but how much time have you spent going around the state addressing prospective voters, and making contact with the press in other cities?

Dan, ditto.

If we were to go to google news and type in your names, how many hits do you suppose we would get from newspaper, radio and television web sites?

Dan Moadus

Well Dennis, that's why we have elections. "Pick your poison".


Reagan was an idiot who helped destroy this country.....just like you  will try to do, Dan!

Dan Moadus

Nailed it!..............Sometimes people say to me, "You're always so critical of government, you are against so many things, what would you do if we sent you to Washington?"

Coming from the Tea Party movement, I view my task as loosening the grip of the Federal Government, de-evolving it, shrinking it in size and cost. I tell people, "I'm not going to Washington to pass laws; I'm going to repeal laws." As Ronald Reagan said, "Governent isn't the solution, it's the problem."


If you buy into this conservative BS I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you!

Rick Rowlands

American Optimism Based on People not Politicians
Terry Paulson
Monday, March 01, 2010

The basic assumption in Washington seems to be that politicians must do something—pass a bill, add a new regulation or create a new entitlement—in order for America to get better. President Obama agonizes, "I spend every waking hour, when I'm talking to my economic team, about how we are going to put people back to work."

What if government leaving people alone is better than doing something that just makes matters worse? What if letting Americans be free to handle their own problems and earn their own rewards is better than watching government politicians micromanage something they know nothing about?

Congress recently passed legislation to fine airlines for leaving people on runways too long, only to find that now airlines prematurely cancel more flights in the face of pending bad weather to avoid possible fines. Cancelations leave more flyers stranded with no plane to fly in. Congress "cares" enough to make matters worse.

Give me a "Do Nothing...Get Out of the Way" Congress! There has never been a major government entitlement that has cut costs or cost anywhere near what politicians said it would cost. The unintended consequences of bigger government are more complexity, more regulations, more rules, more bureaucracy, more taxes, more uncertainty, and less motivation to take responsibility for one's own life.

Politicians pass a stimulus package to kick start the economy and create jobs, but confess that identifying the jobs created and saved is an "inexact science." Jobs are obviously a very "lagging indicator." President Obama may look good telling people the wonderful things he's doing to fix things, but his results are a clear disaster—the 3 million jobs lost since he took office are hard to hide.

In trying to make capitalism "fairer," liberals are destroying what makes free-enterprise work. Taking risks and earning rewards drives economic progress and job creation. Government is taking away risk by funding the failure of companies "too big to fail," taking away the risk of becoming obsolete by paying for extended unemployment benefits. Such "caring" stalls progress. Why run a company well when the government will cover for your mistakes? Why learn a new skill when someone else will pay you for not working?

For government to "create" jobs, it confiscates taxpayer money, siphons off funds to sustain its growing, parasitic bureaucracy, and gives back a few "very expensive" jobs. As Dr. Kenneth McFarland used to say, "Government aid is much like giving yourself a blood transfusion by taking blood from your right arm and putting it back in your left while watching half of your blood leak out in between."

Such excessive spending has side effects—a jobless recovery, exploding deficits, and anticipated devaluation and inflation. Why? The taxes paid and the debt created takes needed money out of the private sector. The resulting uncertainty in the cost of doing business keeps businesses on the sidelines, afraid to hire or expand. The only thing that is growing is our government.

President Obama's preoccupation with Washington "fixing" the economy and healthcare is standing in the way of unleashing America's collective ingenuity and entrepreneurship. America's strength is its people. The last, best hope of this nation is its people, not our politicians and president. You want a real stimulus? Cut the capital gains taxes, get rid of the death tax, and cut payroll taxes. Give people more control over their own earned money and let small businesses do what they do best—react to their markets and create what customers want...not what government mandates!

There is some hope that more and more Americans are beginning to understand where true hope and change come from. According to USA Today's optimism survey, what makes Americans optimistic about our country's long-term future is our belief in the strength and will of our people. That belief outweighs our confidence in President Obama, 35% to 5%. Our belief in the American Dream anchors our culture in true hope and change.

Both Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama came to the Presidency in a time of economic distress on the wings of a message of optimism. One man chose to believe in the American people, limited spending, cut taxes and unleashed the power and potential of American capitalism that helped usher in over twenty years of prosperity and pride. The other came to power promising hope and change, but his optimism was based on a belief in government's ability to meet the needs of citizens with stimulus packages, bailouts, jobs bills, and cash for clunkers. The result—we face the biggest deficit and debt in history, sustained unemployment and the promise of stagflation looming on the horizon.

Ronald Reagan had no stimulus packages. He gave us his secret in 1992: "I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears, to your confidence, rather than your doubts." President Obama doesn't understand that America's strength comes not from politicians but from workers, leaders and private sector entrepreneurs who keep the dream alive. We don't need another jobs bill or entitlement program; we need a president who still believes in Americans.

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In the best Dennis the Menace tradition, I must conclude this cut and paste with the words "why not Ohio"?