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The "Reader's Digest" version of Irishbobcat's latest "cut and paste".

Started by Dan Moadus, October 06, 2009, 12:04:07 AM

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Dan Moadus

Well, either your house is hotter, your AC compressor is not cycling on and off, or the laws of thermodynamics have been repealed. It can be no other way.


Potomac Electric Power Company is my local electric utility here - and they have a program where you
can elect to install a radio controlled device on your outside AC Compressor that will "cycle" the compressor
off and on during peak consumption periods.

In return for volunteering to have the device installed, they take a 5% discount off each month's electric
bill, and there is no charge for the device, or for having it installed.  You can opt out of the program at
any time and they will send someone out to remove the device and put things back as they were...

This doesn't cost me extra money - it saves me money...and the device does not make my house get
any hotter inside during the summer.


Dan Moadus

"Electricity 101"

Our electricity transmission grid is outdated and could be built more efficiently, but as we do this we want to build in renewable energy power sources, which will take your electricity cost from 2 cents per kilowatt hour to 40 cents per kilowatt hour, but you should not worry, because we will put a "smart meter" in your home to monitor your usage. By knowing when you dry your clothes we can now charge you almost 200 percent more to force you to get up at 3:00 in the morning to do these tasks. Hopefully we will be able to control your demand in a more direct fashion, such as having the capability to turn off some of your appliances when we think demand is too high.

In the mean time you should focus more on living as the Amish do. Why drag out that old energy hog of a vacuum cleaner when you could simply pick up a broom. And remember that nothing can more reliably dry your clothes than mother nature. So why pollute mother earth by turning on that dryer when a very inexpensive clothes line and some clothespins would suffice.  Remember, the 1800's really were fun.


Dan, reinventing the red scare of the 1950's will not help your campaign.....

Dan Moadus

A New CO2 Future for Power Plants

The EPA, in an effort to assist several communist front groups operating under the quise of environmentalism, will create new regulations for our country's power companies, designed to cripple our nations economy and boost the competitiveness of the communist Chinese.

Dan Moadus

"Cleansing the Air at the Expense of Waterways."

NY Times reporter Charles Duhigg, reports that efforts to kill coal fired electric generating plants are not as effective as was hoped for as companies are still able to exist even with the added costs of air emissions  control equipment (scrubbers). Efforts are now being taken to alarm the public that the water from scrubbers may now be polluting our nations waterways. It is hoped that these public pronouncements can overcome the public's belief that our water ways have made big improvements in quality. Also hoped for is that these repeated pronouncements (ad nauseam) are enough to stem public resistance to higher electric bills as efforts continue to kill these companies .


Add to this personal responsability. If a family has an annual income of $50,000 but makes no effort to establish a savings account but wastes their income on every trinket they think they need, goes ramming off to every show that comes to town, dines out daily or weekly, all in an effort to keep up with Jones, and  exessively uses credit cards, they are no better off than poorest of the poor.


A "living wage" is a very relevant term, ie: it varies widely, depending upon the
cost of living in a given area/region of the country.

For example:  "Poverty Level" in San Francisco - about $60,000 per year.
"Poverty Level" in Youngstown - substantially less than $60,000 per year.

A small (under 1,500 sq. ft.) piece of SH*T house in San Francisco - upwards of 800,000 dollars.

A decent, livable house in Youngstown?  I've seen some that only cost $20,000...
the "Homes at Arlington", for example, are having a close-out sale on some of
the new homes built on the site of the old Westlake Terrace projects.  They
have some of them advertised for $49,900 !! (and these ARE brand new homes,
whether built well or not....and are MANY times more energy efficient than the
original housing stock in Youngstown)

How well someone does in this life largely depends on how motivated they are
TO DO WELL...I went to school (Rayen) with lots of kids who grew up on Wirt
Street, several of whom never attended college, and wound up with career
jobs - making SIX FIGURE INCOMES.

There are obvious exceptions to this, ie: the elderly, children, and those with
physical or mental disabilities immediately come to mind.....

As far as a college education goes, I landed a job in the I.T. industry that
turned into a seventeen year career and wound up making over $80,000 a
year - using only my Rayen High School diploma, and a TON of hard work.

So, when I think of a "living wage", I'm thinking in terms of being given the
opportunity to have a decent job that pays enough to have a decent standard
of living - meaning decent in proportion to the cost of living for WHERE a person
lives, and the local cost of living in that region.

Dan Moadus

Quote from: irishbobcat on October 17, 2009, 12:53:39 PM

Every American should have the ability to have a living wage which will provide them with a home, education, affordable healthcare, FDR said....

So, Dennis. How much is a living wage? Dollar amount please?


Believe it or not Dennis, I agree with you on that point.

By the way, in case you haven't explored it, you and your family might be interested in downloading a batch of files from this web site:

There's some great listening to be found here. I've filled some 8 CD's for my own enjoyment when there's nothing on TV worth watching.



Every American should have the ability to have a living wage which will provide them with a home, education, affordable healthcare, FDR said....


Yes I have seen several of Mr Moore's movies, and if it wouldn't be a total waste of my time and bandwidth, I would point out the dozens of inconsistencies and half truths that you probably take as total fact. But hey it's your money, believe whatever you want.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>



I'm confused:

1. Is it the responsability of the federal government to provide every American a home? Does this mean under your understanding that the government should give me a house that is all mine, absent any government intervention as we find in housing projects?

2. Is it the responsability of the federal government to provide for my recreation absent national parks. Does this mean that if my recreation means going to a casino that the government would pay for it?

Are you suggesting that the government should provide for all our needs from the time we awake til we go to bed.

Should the federal government take over all the so-called big businesses and run them while dictating just how much the business owners can make, and how much investers can earn?

Dan Moadus

150 Companies descend on Washington D.C.

The Apollo Alliance (communist front group) helped recruit more than a dozen businesses to participate in the advocacy effort in D.C. in an effort that unwittingly drew a contrast between themselves and past companies that became wildly successful because people actually wanted their products.

The demonstration which was designed to draw government support of so called "green technologies" instead only served to bring to people's attention the fact that Bill Gates, and countless other American entrepreneurs never had to beg for subsidies to make the products they invented household name brands.