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Youngstown Schools = Worst In State

Started by jay, August 26, 2009, 06:48:08 AM

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rusty river

Quote from: Rick Rowlands on August 26, 2009, 05:26:02 PM

I also do think that vouchers are a necessary part as well.  There is nothing that states that Youngstown MUST have a public school system. Let it compete with the charter schools, and if they fail then they should go out of business, to be replaced by something else that may do better.

Food for thought:

Charter schools in Ohio currently have LESS accountability to academic standards and achievement than the public schools. Right off the bat, the playing field is not even. Throw in the union stranglehold on our area's schools. How are the public schools supposed to compete?

I agree that Webb needs to go, and I believe the board had adopted some measures that placed more accountability on the superintendent, making it easier for them to remove her. Although I could be mistaken on this, so don't quote me.

There is nothing that states that Youngstown MUST have a police department either. Should private security contractors start patrolling the city?

Drastic times call for drastic measures. Mandate that all students must participate in at least one extra-curricular activity in order to pass a grade/graduate. If life at home is the problem, then the schools should provide the positive environment that these students need to develop into productive members of society.

Rick Rowlands

For once I agree with both Dennis and iwasthere, whoever that is.

Wendy Webb should step down, and a new superintendent found who will take the school system in a new direction.  What really needs to happen is to reduce the rate of unwanted pregnancies and unwanted children in the city. Thats basically the root cause of all this,  too many children who are unloved, have no discipline and no morals. 

I also do think that vouchers are a necessary part as well.  There is nothing that states that Youngstown MUST have a public school system. Let it compete with the charter schools, and if they fail then they should go out of business, to be replaced by something else that may do better.  I would love to see the day when a parent can pick and choose where to send their child to school, and have various school choices all trying to convince the parents to choose their school over the others.  The public schools need some good old fashioned competition!


If I ever knew anything about public education, it's that the teacher cannot do it alone. Education begins at home. And the best teachers and programs are worthless without the parents.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


placing the blame on others is an easy way out of any dire situation the callers on that radio program are living with their heads in the sand. the school board members must show they are serious about the education of ytown children and yg adults. the recent departure of murray a ytown boe showed that board had their pics in order before the public input. there were thirteen applications and the boe picked only three out of the thirteen to interview. the applicants were from all walks of life teachers, lawyers/irs auditor and concern citizens. one candidate is an irs auditor and lawyer, the ytown boe did not grant this person an interview. it makes one wonder if this board of education is serious about their job or they are using this position for future political jobs at the taxpayers experience. wendy webb is a nice person but she does not have a clue what education is all about in this school district. ms. webb was a librarian without any educational classroom or educational administration experiences in the school system prior before becoming superindent of ytown schools. wendy webb should step aside and let someone that has educational experiences both in the classroom and the administration end to deal with the problems that faces students, teachers and administration alike.


Great thoughts. Reminds me of my old High School Principal. A wonderful man who inspired every student in his school. And it showed in student performance.



Having taken a school building that was in Academic Warning to Effective I know the following items workied for me:

1. Instilling pride in the students. I met with all my studnets and told them they were brighter than what their test schools indicated. I told them our goal was not to be last in the county. It was like a sporting event, we were not going to be last and we were going to beat somebody. We were not going to walk around with the word "loser" tatooed on our heads.

2. Academic Benchmarks and standards had to be taught in the required grade level...and MASTERED by the students. If the students could not pass a standard, teachers must find a way to get that material mastered by the students.

3. Teach to the test. I know some find this controversal....but when you go for your driving test, you learn what will be on the test and how to manuver the car during the test. Same principle must be applied to the state tests.

4. Time on Task. Students must be working each class period and 178 days.

5. Rewarding imporvment. Giving practice tests, rewarding those student who showed improvement. I don't know how many times I went to my principal's fund
to buy ice cream treats for students who showed levels of improvement on test scores.

6. Reward whole grades for passing sections to a test. Taking students to see a movie, hockey game, even an Indians game.

7. Told students FAILURE WAS NOT AN OPTION. Told teachers FAILURE WAS NOT AN OPTION. We would work our butts off until we succeeded but we did it in a caring, inviting, positive atmosphere.

8. Reserched new ways of instruction and teaching. How to reach students. How to make the material real to the students. How to gain and hold their attention.
We never stopped researching new ways to do things.

9.Provided afterschool, before school, lunch, and summer intervention programs to students. Again, promisining and deliverying rewards for attendance and improvement.

10. Believed we would succeed.


Quote from: jay on August 26, 2009, 08:50:13 AM
Callers to a local talk show this morning are blaming the problem on the lead paint in homes where school children live.

Yep, It's always something or someone else's fault.

I grew up in a house full of lead paint just like everyone else less than ten years younger to more than 50 years older than I. I'm pretty sure most of us aren't academically challenged.

I also remember playing with those cool little balls of silver liquid when the thermometer broke.



Could you just for a moment get serious and give us your wise council on what other school districts in the county see as the problems with the Youngstown School District from the perspective of someone who is directly involved in running a city school system?


Well, there you go......tear down them houses......Youngstown 2010!!!!!!


Callers to a local talk show this morning are blaming the problem on the lead paint in homes where school children live.

northside lurker

Quote from: YtownNewsandViews on August 26, 2009, 06:54:22 AM
Answer: School Vouchers for kids to go to Ursuline, Mooney, and Ytown Christian School. Get the kids that are succeeding, but cannot afford these three schools, OUT of the Youngstown Shitty Schools.

That's not really an answer.  Kids leaving is one of the main reasons the YCSD schools are in the shape they're in now.  Most of the kids who have stayed don't care - and have parents who don't care - about their education.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


Answer: School Vouchers for kids to go to Ursuline, Mooney, and Ytown Christian School. Get the kids that are succeeding, but cannot afford these three schools, OUT of the Youngstown Shitty Schools.


The headline in today's newspaper proclaims that the Youngstown schools are the worst in the state. The city schools are considered to be in academic emergency.

In your opinion, what should be done to improve the city school system.