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Youngstown Terrorized

Started by jay, August 12, 2009, 09:08:37 AM

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john r. swierz

    irishbobcat- I don't think we are the enemy, but we are part of the problem!. In today's world of crime and violence residents are afraid to come forth with info.  Retaliation is the reason. The bad people will do anything to informants. Add to that many times police give up informants names or I.D.'s. Example- A women had her car stoned and the police brought the two offenders to her to I.D. I believe, as many do, that only 10% of residents are evil, why should the rest or 90% of our residents live in fear. We must learn to become "Risk Takers"'. While I applaud the great strides our govt. is making in many areas, it is definitely losing the battle on crime in the neighborhoods.

john r. swierz

  I for one will not give . I will continue to work with each problem that is thrown at me. Giving up is not an option! I will not win every battle, but i WILL WIN MORE THEN I LOSE.  I the police don't do their job then the cry should go out.


The people who spent years trying to call police and make something happen gave up a long time ago and either stay up and lived with it or moved out. I was one of them. When they know they have control, they can do what they want and they know it. Until police are able to take control, nothing will happen. Block watches are great but until police will respond in a timely manner, until witnesses aren't scared to come forward, not much can happen. A citywide crackdown, maybe National Guard or some outside force, is needed. I overheard more than once, when Mayor Williams was elected, certain elements knew they could do what they want-almost sounds like the mob doesn't it?


That's what Nigh Out  Youngstown was all about last week, and only 30 people showed up....something like maybe 17 out of 60 block watch folks were there!

We have met the enemy....and it is us!



If we "organize a rally against crime and violence in the city" will we need to have an insurance policy first?  Who would pay for it?


Jobs are only a part of the solution... there are people out there who will
resort to drugs, guns and violence no matter what.

The other part of the solution, (in my humble opinion) is to start giving
the DEATH SENTENCE to those who murder.

"Stop the violence" marches could help, too....

Crap... I OWN A HOUSE ON WOODBINE !!  I'm gonna have a hard time
renting the place with folks getting shot to death right down the street....

Good LORD... I KNOW PEOPLE on Woodbine.  Anyone get the name of the
lady who was shot there?


I agree. The citzens need to take back the city.

john r. swierz

Isn't it time that some one or  a group of citizens  organize  a rally against crime and violence in the city.  How about a grass roots group called  " Citizens for a better Youngstown"(CFABY)


where are the one hundred ministers that back jay williams up for mayor in 2005? the catholic church has done alot to curb violence on the ytown ss. where do the black churches stand on violence on ss.


This topic was discussed on the Tracey show this morning.
WASN, 1330-AM
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

I found one caller's comment to be disgusting. He essentially said that the problem of crime and violence in the city of Youngstown will only be addressed if more catholic churches get shot up.  I believe he was referring to the incident at the Polish church in Brier Hill.


Jobs, jobs, jobs,....affordable healthcare.....etc


And we lament it when outside publications bad rap Youngstown.

In perspective, there are other communities our size that are having the same problem, and worse, but how are we to deal with it in our own backyard?

There's a lot of blame to go around, but few workable solutions.


Tuesday, August 11, was a day of terror in Youngstown.

Men robbed parishioners at a Polish church in Brier Hill.

Two men were found murdered in a burned car.

A young girl was shot during a gun battle on Detroit Avenue on the south side.

A woman was shot near her home on Woodbine.