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Tim Ryan

Started by Towntalk, July 01, 2009, 12:53:38 PM

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Do not schools pratice inequality by punishing the failing students and passing the good students?

Do not colleges and universities do the same?

Not all students are equal in their abilities.


Liberals are dedicated to conserving all that is best and building solidly and safely on these foundations.

Conservatives are the party of the reckless and embittered- bent on dismantling the institutions which have been built into our social fabric.


What is this crazy person talking about?
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


So, Sarge, you believe in institutions that limit inequality and injustice.


Suppose a person is blessed with a high IQ, and a love of hard work, and he uses his skills to build a successful business, while another man has a normal IQ, few skills, and does as little work as possable.

Under your plan would the successful man be compelled to support the lazy man and his progeny?

Suppose a teacher were to give all her students a C whether they deserved it or not ... [total equality] ... how fair would that be?


"Conservatives, at their core, are willing to exploit the unwillingness of some Americans to grant equal rights to their fellow citizens, to those who don't share their skin color, don't share their faith, don't share their sexual prefeferences."

You have got to be insane. Completely certifiably insane. Now you are calling all conservatives racists? I thought we had gone through this before? My wife is Mexican, My Sister is married to a Puerto Rican, I have two Nieces married to Blacks. And I am now racist because I am a conservative.

I could care less what a mans religion is as long as he doesn't prevent me from practicing mine.

And I have a gay stepson, But I do not agree with his lifestyle, on that you are right, but it's not so much a conservative thing as a personal thing. But that's a different topic.

You have a mental problem. I suggest you seek help for it.

You're sorry that your taxes pay my Retirement? Well That's fine, I'm not sorry that your sorry Ass is still free to paste such stupidity on a public forum. Now get out and thank a vet.

And please, if you ever should, by some miracle get to congress, ask if you can pass a Bill where Liberals can withhold a penny of their taxes so that you don't have to support any retired conservative soldiers.

Freedom isn't free, but it seems as though you wouldn't know anything about that.

I stand for personal freedoms under the law, And I believe in the Constitution. And I am a Retired Conservative Sergeant And you do pay my retirement. And I am more proud than you can imagine.

You can take your brand of equality and shove it. We are all born equal under the law, that does not mean that some lazy bum or uneducated worker should have the same as someone who worked their but off all their life or someone who worked their way through 8 years of college.

(Also it might be a good Idea if you started to use a spellchecker)

<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


I believe in a relatively equal society, supported by institutions that limit extremes of weath and poverty. I believe in democracy ,civil liberties, and rules of law. That makes me a liberal, and I'm proud of it.


Let me get this streight ... equal pay to everyone ... tax the wealthy ... free healthcare to everyone [single payer health care was taken off the table recently so don't even go there.]

As for democracy... When will it sink in that America is a R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C that grants certain rights imbedded in the CONSTITUTION. Would you want to abolish the current Bill of Rights and substitute a Green Party Bill of non-rights in its place?

Now if you want to change our form of government, you will have to abolish the Constitution so that your ideal form of government can be substituted.

Perhalps it would be helpful if you were to sit down and provide us with a COMPLETE SUMMERY of your vision for America so that we'll not confuse it with socialism. 


So, Sarge, you believe in institutions that limit inequality and injustice.

You don't believe in the shared goals of limiting inequality and defending democratic principles?

You don't believe in a middle class that brought America closer to its democratic ideals, by giving working Americans real political power and ending the dominant position of the wealthly elite.

Liberalism is about democracy and the rule of law.

Conservatives, at their core, are willing to exploit the unwillingness of some Americans to grant equal rights to their fellow citizens, to those who don't share their skin color, don't share their faith, don't share their sexual prefeferences.

Why liberals always defend due process, conservatives insist those in power have the right to do as they please.

And if you are a conservative, Sarge, I am sorry my taxes pay for your retirement.


Our history? the History of this great nation is based upon inequality and injustice, because some people are paid more for what they do than other people?

The American Dream as i remember it was that you worked for what you earned for your family. remember that concept ?Husband, wife, two  kids, white picket fence, and a JOB?

A Boss who paid you what you were worth? Not what some guy in a suit told him to pay you.

Benefits that you earned instead of what the Government thought you should have.

I earned everything that I have. Can't say the same for people should this congress and present administration have their way.

Cradle to Grave? No thank you.

And just so you sleep better at night ; I still carry a gun.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


So Sarge, you defended a dream based on unequality and injustice and you BRAG about it?????  And they let you carry a gun?


The middle class has all the health care they need. The Liberal paradise is to have everyone totally dependent on the Government cradle to grave. And that is not the dream I served to protect.

The middle class does not need recreated they need to be left alone.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


On Health Care, we can make society better and recreate a middle class.
We can deliver a decent life to ALL Americans, not just rich conservatives.

To sustain a middle class, guaranteed health care is essential: complete the work of the New Deal, give US citizens no more the level of protection from financial risk that citizens of other advanced countries have.

This is why the Green Party is the party of the Progressive movement. We are the party of ideas.

Rick Rowlands

Dennis, tell me how the middle class will be recreated?  Where will this middle class work?  Will all of us have jobs building windmills?  Where will this middle class get all the disposable income they once had if their energy bills skyrocket? 

I don't know why I continue to think that you can have a rational discussion.  You're insane.


The liberal paradise is nothing more than recreating the middle class that was once America. This is what you don't want to see in America, Sarge?

How much conservative kool-aid have you had since retirement?