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Healthcare for All

Started by irishbobcat, July 01, 2009, 06:18:43 AM

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i have healthcare, i do not mind that some of my taxdollars go to the unissued with constraints in place. i would like to know more about the option plan that obama has in mind for the USA residents.


Wow, where did all the negative comments about Government run health care go to? Seems to me that the last 8 years Government health care was absolutely terrible.(at least that's what was in the news) Can we remember VA and Walter Reed and God only knows the problems with Medicare and Medicaid. I have been fighting to change one part of medicare for 3 years now.

And Conservatives have no problem with people receiving health care when they are in need.  Just as with welfare, by all means we must take care of our needy. But when the system is abused there's a time to say no.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


i still cannot understand why anyone would deny health insurance to anyone. where is the Christian/Judea values that the conservative tote so much these days in this healthcare debate?


Let's talk common sense.....conservatives say people in Canada have a longer waiting list and line for hip replacements. True. Why? Because, Medicare and Medicaid take care of most of those operations here in the a faster rate.

Thus, it is safe to assume the Government cold do a better job at healing others at a faster rate than the so-called insurance companies whose job it is to try and deniy claims and pay-outs for prior medical conditions which void policies, etc...

Use some common sense yourself sarge, or have you been rattled with combat fatique like that soldier Patton slapped in the movie?


And the Government does such a wonderful job with Medicare and Medicaid already. besides those 200,000 (or is it more) or so people in the health insurance industry don't need jobs nor should they be permitted to make a profit..... Some common sense, please.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


Healthcare for All
It is immoral for a country as wealthy as ours to have 45 million people with no health coverage, and tens of millions more with inadequate or overly expensive coverage. It also makes no economic sense; despite spending twice as much as other industrialized nations on healthcare, our system performs poorly because the private U. S. insurance bureaucracy soaks up nearly one-third of all health care money in waste, profits, paperwork and advertising. Poor health and poor health care are drags on the economy and job creation; up to half of all personal bankruptcies are caused by health care crises.
The Green Party supports Rep. John Conyers bill, H.R. 676, which establishes streamlined, nonprofit national health insurance--enhanced Medicare for All--that would negotiate drug and treatment costs. By replacing private insurers and recouping administrative savings of up to $300 billion per year, this single-payer approach provides topnotch health care to everyone. Care would be privately delivered by healers and hospitals, but publicly financed--with no bills, co-pays, deductibles, denials or medically-induced bankruptcies. The Green Party also supports health care initiatives at the state and local level that move us toward a nonprofit single-payer system.
Dennis Spisak
Mahoning Valley Green Party
Ohio Green Party