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High Speed Rail is the Real Deal

Started by irishbobcat, April 10, 2009, 09:21:01 AM

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For Immediate Release
April 9, 2009


            [WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Assistant Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) today led the Illinois Congressional Delegation in asking the Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood, to support their effort to revive the passenger rail car manufacturing industry in Illinois.  The Department of Transportation recently announced that $90.8 million in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has been committed to rehabilitating train cars in the United States and returning them to service - the average age of an Amtrak car is now 25 years.  Additionally, there is $8 billion in Recovery Act funding available for high speed rail.

"It is time to establish rolling stock manufacturers here in the United States," wrote the Illinois members.  "Although we no longer manufacture passenger rail cars in Illinois, Illinois is still home to a vibrant rail industry that has the capacity to quickly modify existing facilities to accommodate the production of passenger rail rolling stock.

"The time is ripe to harness Illinois' position and to capitalize on the massive new investment into intercity passenger rail. With the Department's assistance we could bring good paying jobs to the United States while advancing cleaner, cheaper and greener transportation options for Americans."

The domestic railcar giant Pullman Company provided a strong manufacturing base for over a hundred years in Illinois, providing rail cars that are still on the tracks today.  But those companies have long since closed their doors and left the business of making passenger rail cars, due in part, to years of underinvestment in the U.S. and increased investment by European countries.

Durbin has spearheaded an effort in Illinois and in Congress to repair Amtrak's aging fleet of passenger cars, bring rehabilitated cars to Illinois and revive the train car industry in the United States.   In May 2008, he led a bipartisan group of Senators in requesting that Amtrak increase the number of train cars available for use on new routes in Illinois.  In July, Durbin introduced a bill - the Train CARS Act - that proposed a package of financing options to bring our existing train cars into a state of good repair and lay the groundwork for the next generation of trains built in America.

Members signing on to today's letter include: Senator Roland Burris (D-IL), Representatives Melissa Bean (D-IL), Judy Biggert (R-IL), Jerry Costello (D-IL), Danny Davis (D-IL), Bill Foster (D-IL), Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Debbie Halvorson (D-IL), Phil Hare (D-IL), Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL), Tim Johnson (R-IL), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Dan Lipinski (D-IL), Don Manzullo (R-IL), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Aaron Schock (R-IL) and John Shimkus (R-IL).


High Speed Rail is the Real Deal
The world of high-speed rail has changed dramatically in the past few weeks, and the Environmental Law & Policy Center (ELPC) is playing a key leadership role to ensure the Midwest reaps the benefits
In February, President Obama signed the Economic Stimulus legislation, which includes $8 billion in funding for high-speed rail development. This breakthrough far surpasses anything before realized in the United States and results in part from ELPC spending years building the coalitions, making the policy-economic-environmental case, and briefing key supporters.
ELPC Executive Director Howard Learner appeared on "Chicago Tonight," a public television program on Chicago's WTTW, and described the potential for a robust passenger rail system as "a big deal."
"If you build it, they will come," Learner says in the WTTW feature. "A couple years ago, the legislature approved some money to double the number of trains between Chicago and St. Louis, and now ridership has doubled – people like trains."
Their vision is to build a modern, fast, comfortable and convenient passenger rail system linking the Midwest's 11 major cities (and the smaller cities in-between) within a 400-mile radius of Chicago. Fast, frequent and on-time service can deliver travelers downtown-to-downtown almost as fast as airplanes, at a fraction of the cost and in almost all weather. In addition to the environmental benefits – improved air quality, reduced global warming pollution, less sprawl – an improved/expanded high-speed network can create jobs and bring together our regional economy.
To ensure high-speed rail funds are committed to the Midwest, states must come together in the coming months to create a strong, unified proposal for a regional network. During this important time, ELPC's coalition-building, policy development, advocacy, and media relations will be key to the region's successful application for stimulus funds. The federal government's huge investment in high-speed rail is good for the environment, good for the economy, and good for job creation throughout our region. This is fundamental reform for our region's transportation infrastructure.
Ohio needs to not miss the train on this deal. Our state deserves new rail service to help our economy and work force grow.
Dennis Spisak
Mahoning Valley Green Party
Ohio Green Party