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Property Tax Question

Started by jay, November 20, 2008, 12:07:16 PM

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I agree Rick. I own a a field in North Jackson but live in Austintown. I get no vote concerning my taxes in N-J.

And don't get me started on their school levy.

Rick Rowlands

Property taxes are unconstitutional and should be protested strongly.  However, if such a tax on landowners should be kept then it should NOT be based on something as arbitrary as property values.

I have always suggested that property taxes should be based on the use of property instead of its value.  The tax itself pays for the services that are of mutual aid to all landowners.  Police, fire, schools, library etc. are all services that are beneficial to landowners but are something the landowners cannot provide for themselves.  So long ago we agreed to jointly pay for these services via a property tax. 

However, the tax was based on a property value which has no bearing whatsoever on the need that particular piece of property has for those public services.  For example, a two acre vacant piece of land on 224 in Boardman may have an assessed value of $500,000.  In Youngstown, a multi unit apartment building in a seedy part of town may also have an assessed value of $500,000.  If both had the same millage each property owner would have the same tax bill.  However, following the reasoning for the existence of the tax in the first place, the owner of the apartment complex would have a much greater need for public services than the vacant property.  How many police and fire calls would come from that apartment complex in a year? How many from that vacant land?  Why should the tax bills be the same for two completely different pieces of property?

In my world property taxes would be based upon the usage of a piece of property.  For example, each usage classification would be assigned its own tax rate.  An inner city apartment complex would have a high tax rate based upon its greater need for public services, while vacant land would have a very minimal rate due to the fact that very little public services are needed for that land.  The tax rate would be multiplied by the number of acres and that would be your total tax.  In my system there would be no reassessments for value but you could petition for a change in usage classification if your land use changes. 

Also, any levies should only be voted upon by property owners and not the public at large.


Several homes in my neighborhood are now empty due to forclosures.  It is obvious that these homes will not sell in the foreseeable future because of the general decline in home values. 

If you are working or not, the property taxes must still be paid by the owner of the home. 


Quote from: connie254 on November 21, 2008, 08:42:20 AM

When are we due to be re-evaluated(10 yr evaluation).

10 year evaluation?!?!?!  WTH? I've only been in my house 11 years and it's gone up at least three times since I moved in.


I had a chat with one of our county commissioners 2 years ago when they reevaluated my property and my taxes went up 50%. I didn't mind the tax increase as much as the fact that the County never notified me, they simply charge my mortgage company and I found out when my house payment went up.

But I'll be going downtown in January and seeing about getting some tax relief on it anyway.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


Good question. I always thought if your neighbors have a house similar to yours and they pay X amt, then you pay the same.  Heard that if a foreclosed home is close vicinity, you might be able to challenge your tax amount.
When are we due to be re-evaluated(10 yr evaluation).
Certainly the county govt doesn't want to do this right now and lose all that income.


The prices for homes have plummeted across the country.  I'm sure the prices for homes in the Mahoning Valley have also declined.

Will the tax value for our homes be lowered and will our property taxes be reduced?