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Mayor Tells Of Possible Large Economic Development Project

Started by jay, October 22, 2008, 06:13:59 AM

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I've lost all faith in anything Jay Williams says anymore after his attack on Palin. Secondly, if we are the 2nd city to get a casino.... I WILL BE VOTING YES ON ISSUE 6.

I want a casino locally!

Defend Youngstown

Would be horrible for the area. Redistribution of weath to out of town management while keeping the poor poorer and only hurting a community like Youngtown even more in the long run - even with the few good paying jobs it might bring.  I'm not opposed to gambling in the state of Ohio but I am opposed to proposals such as Issue 6 which look to prey upon economical depressed and presumably desperate communities such as ours. Issue 6 is not economic development for this area. There are better ways to bring organized gambling to Youngstown.

Working to clear brownfield sites in Salt Springs, Briar Hill, and Crab Creek and providing incentive plans for industrial green development that will bring jobs to the city along with the development of a city-wide Community Development Corporation that will implement a Land Bank program to address vacant property and community/economic development issues should be the focus right now. Building casinos should not be.


Heard on Dan Rivers Show this morning.

If Issue 6 passes, the next casino would come to Youngstown. The folks who will be building a casino in Southern Ohio announced this.


During the West Side Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, Mayor Jay Williams said that Youngstown is one of three cities in the running for a very large economic development project.  Specific details were not given, but the mayor said it is a multimillion dollar project which could provide over 400 jobs in the $60,000+ pay range.