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Gas Prices

Started by Towntalk, September 13, 2008, 09:58:25 AM

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We are seeing all the major refineries shut down for 5-7 days, therefore prices will skyrocket. So go out and purchase gas TODAY, and try to limit your driving for a week and they should fall rather dramatically when they are back up and running.

By the time they are all running again in a week, crude will be well below $100, hence back to nearly $3.29 in gas by 9/20-9/25.

BUT BUY GAS ASAP. I saw 3 stations this morning raise it 30 cents in 5 hours!


CNN is reporting dramatic price at the pump increases for gasoline in the wake of hurricane Ike.

What are we seeing here?

Please limit your comments to prices and service stations so that we can get a good handle on the situation here for drivers. Thanks Much.