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Oil Drilling Lies

Started by irishbobcat, August 09, 2008, 05:38:23 AM

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Oil Drilling Lies

August 9, 2008

Americans Want Action on Energy Now
As in 2000, 2004, and now in 2008, the Campaign For America's Future reports that while Seventy-five percent of Americans say that increased gasoline prices have caused a financial hardship for their families. They want Congress to do something, now. Conservatives have tried to capitalize on Americans' anger over gas prices with their "drill here, drill now" campaign. It's time Progressive candidates like myself help Progressives counter the conservative oil drilling lies with proactive short- and long-term solutions, and show that it's Bush, McCain, and other conservatives who are blocking the way.
* New offshore drilling wouldn't help for almost 20 years. The Bush Administration admits that new offshore drilling "would not have a significant impact on domestic crude oil and natural gas production or prices" for almost 20 years. Sources
* There are real short-term solutions to the energy crisis, but Bush and congressional conservatives have blocked them all. Short term solutions include: tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, banning gasoline price-gouging, cracking down on oil price speculators, and helping hard-pressed Americans with a tax break paid for by a windfall profits tax on Big Oil. Sources
* The real solution to the energy crisis is to end America's dependence on foreign oil. We can't drill our way to energy independence. It will take conservation, energy efficiency, and clean power. Yet Bush and conservatives in Congress have blocked progress. Long-term solutions include: investing in conservation, energy efficiency, and clean power; investing in renewable energy; and increasing auto fuel efficiency. Sources
Progressive solutions:
In the short term, tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, ban price gouging, crack down on speculators, and implement a windfall profits tax. In the long term, increase the percentage of power generated by renewable energy sources, increase fuel efficiency standards, and enact the Apollo Alliance plan for investing in conservation, energy efficiency and clean power—and create more than 3 million new jobs.

As the Write-In Green Party Candidate for Congress to the 6th District, it's time to debunk the lie about oil drilling and focus on making the Ohio River Valley a MANUFACTURING GIANT TODAY of solar, wind, and geo-thermal factories and companies to give jobs to our poor, working, and middle class.

Green Party Candidate for Ohio's 6th District
Running against a Conservative Democrat and Republican!

Renewable Energy Green/Blue Collars Jobs
Single-Payer Affordable Healthcare
Economic Fairness/Quality Education
Clear and Fair Elections with Paper Ballots

Campaign site: Http://