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School Tax Levy

Started by Towntalk, November 06, 2007, 10:00:29 PM

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northside lurker

Quote from: Towntalk on November 07, 2007, 10:56:28 AM
If what has been reported on the Dan Rivers Show is correct the Youngstown Board of Education will have 2 more chances for a tax levy and then they will have to wait 5 years before they can try again.
From what I've heard, I think something much more drastic will happen if the levy fails 2 more times.  I've heard that either the state will take control of the district, or the state will dissolve the district entirely.  But, this is just hearsay, so please take it with a "grain of salt."
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


If what has been reported on the Dan Rivers Show is correct the Youngstown Board of Education will have 2 more chances for a tax levy and then they will have to wait 5 years before they can try again.


I wonder what the final total will be once the Absentee votes are counted? This unofficial total is way too low, yet it was the total as of 10:00 PM and on the 11:00 news it was reported defeated. What really angers me is that Windy said that she would keep putting it on the ballot over and over and over again until we "get it right", and each time it will be higher.

Lets understand one thing, ALL PUBLIC OFFICIALS WORK FOR US, not the other way around. All these folks need a good hard whack on the side of their collective heads with a 2x4 via the ballot box until they understand the very basic fact that this is NOT a dictatorship, and that there is NOT a bottomless money pit.

I for one am sick and tired of these PUBLIC SERVANTS picking my pocket while they hold a gun to my head.

IF I had children, I would rather chop them up in a zillion pieces than send them to the Youngstown City Schools. The condition of these schools is a perfect example of why abortion is a good thing.

northside lurker

Quote from: jay on November 07, 2007, 06:48:21 AM
When I was downtown yesterday, I overheard a woman say that she was voting against the Youngstown school levy because the school board chose to destroy Volney Rogers School.  She felt the school was still in very good condition.  Volney Rogers School was her previous voting location.
Wow, I hope there weren't many people who felt that way.  I've explained in other threads why it wasn't exactly the school board's decision to demolish Volney Rogers School.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


When I was downtown yesterday, I overheard a woman say that she was voting against the Youngstown school levy because the school board chose to destroy Volney Rogers School.  She felt the school was still in very good condition.  Volney Rogers School was her previous voting location.


As of 10:00 PM

          VOTE FOR  1
           FOR THE TAX LEVY .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .       680   38.44
           AGAINST THE TAX LEVY.  .  .  .  .  .  .     1,089   61.56