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An Idea Worth Considering Mr. Mayor

Started by Towntalk, June 11, 2007, 11:00:51 AM

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Rick Rowlands

NO Don't consider ANY of those ideas Mr. Mayor!  It has not been proven that global warming is being caused by increased amounts of CO2, actually the evidence shows the exact opposite! While reducing waste and recycling are good ideas, placing new taxes and fees on people to penalize those who don't live by standards that envirowackos set is ludicrous.

I'm sick and tired of everyone trying to micromanage my life! Take care of your own and leave the rest of us alone!


One area that can make a dent is home weatherization. Nearly all the homes in Youngstown were built before 1970 when insulation, high efficiency furnaces and A/C  and efficient windows were non exisitant. Homes can be retro-fitted to be more energy efficient. There are programs designed for low-income residents to help out with this, but a program should be in place for all residents. I got an estimate to insulate my brick home for nearly $6,000.00. I know I will get that back over time, but that's a big nut to crack.

Perhaps the city can establish a revolving loan program that allows homeowners to tap into funds to get this work done. If you remain in your home for a set period of time (say 7 years), the loan is forgiven. If you sell prior to your "vested" date, the pro-rata share is paid back from the sale proceeds. It would be a win-win for the homeowners and for the city - You would have more energy efficient housing stock and the city can attract people to come in and rehab owner occupied homes.

northside lurker

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


 ;D The gas coming out of City Hall is enough to have the city declared a disaster area. ;D

northside lurker

Is Youngstown a heavy contributor of greenhouses gasses?

Many of the ideas proposed in Denver's plan involve penalties.  In our ailing economy, these are disincentives to further development in the city.

What I'd like to see is a well designed mass transit and light rail system across the region.  While WRTA works OK, (it's on time, and can usually get you where you need to go--eventually) it seems like little more than an afterthought.  Imagine: you could walk out your front door, walk to the nearest major street to catch the bus, ride the bus to the Youngstown rail hub, and catch the next train to your job in Cleveland, Akron, Canton, etc., all in less than an hour.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


FOR: Mayor Jay Williams
Re: Environment

Here is an idea whose time has come for Youngstown.,1299,DRMN_15_5580343,00.html

What's your answer?