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Lines to Buy Gasoline

Started by jay, May 22, 2007, 12:15:01 PM

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Sorry to disappoint you.  You've mentioned this before.  Anyone who has met us in person knows we are not the same person. In fact Jay and I don't always agree.  I only created the site, researched the links and keep it up technically.  Jay is the force  behind the forum... I'm sure most will agree.  We have a lot of great contributors but he is the most active.


Quote from: ForumManager on June 02, 2007, 10:51:45 AM
In this thread
where a new forum is announced
YtownNewsandViews said:
QuoteThis site is not to compete with this one. It's simply put, a board like with moderators and people who want to be positive. We want to make posting a thought on the web something that everyone reads and considers and responds to thoroughly.
We don't want threats or any of that BS.
Seems that you are unhappy when people express their ideas and concerns on this board, YtownNewsandViews. I don't understand.
It's hard for me to believe that you and Jay aren't two in the same. I know a guy who has 5 different screenames on a site and actually gets into conversations with himself on there..


In this thread
where a new forum is announced
YtownNewsandViews said:
QuoteThis site is not to compete with this one. It's simply put, a board like with moderators and people who want to be positive. We want to make posting a thought on the web something that everyone reads and considers and responds to thoroughly.
We don't want threats or any of that BS.
Seems that you are unhappy when people express their ideas and concerns on this board, YtownNewsandViews. I don't understand.


At least Jay shares ideas, thoughts, and topics of interest with this board which is greatly welcomed.


Quote from: jay on June 01, 2007, 12:09:03 PM
Several YSU students held a demonstration today to protest the high price of gasoline.  They staged their event at the corner of E. Midlothian and South Avenue.
They wasted their money to drive all the way out there. They couldn't boycott the Sunoco on campus; which 2 days ago had the cheapest price in the state: $3.06 a gallon.


Several YSU students held a demonstration today to protest the high price of gasoline.  They staged their event at the corner of E. Midlothian and South Avenue.

northside lurker

Quote from: YtownNewsandViews on May 31, 2007, 11:35:36 PM
Oil for the Trolley sounds ridiculous too. I'd rather ride on a trolley which smelled like burning oil; rather than a frying pan!
This isn't a very productive attitude.  I'm sure the majority of people would prefer the smell of french fries (the smell commonly associated with burning bio diesel) to petroleum based diesel.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


Quote from: jay on May 22, 2007, 04:34:50 PM
YSU educates many young people to become engineers.  Our valley produces steel, aluminum, and plastics.  We need a Youngstown Incubator type project to invent a new locally manufactured automobile or find a way to retrofit existing cars to make them more fuel efficient.

Is there anyone on this forum who has some wild ideas about creating fuel efficient cars?

You seem to have plenty of wild ideas. Care to share with us???
Oil for the Trolley sounds ridiculous too. I'd rather ride on a trolley which smelled like burning oil; rather than a frying pan!


An interesting idea was mentioned at the last YAEDA meeting.  Cooking oils from downtown restaurants could be processed and then used to fuel the downtown trolley.   The YAEDA group would like to use the trolley bus to move people between entertainment venues and restaurants.


YSU educates many young people to become engineers.  Our valley produces steel, aluminum, and plastics.  We need a Youngstown Incubator type project to invent a new locally manufactured automobile or find a way to retrofit existing cars to make them more fuel efficient.

Is there anyone on this forum who has some wild ideas about creating fuel efficient cars?


Just now:
3.15 Sun Merchant
3.19 BP
3.49 Speedway

Earlier Sun & BP were 3.09 and Speedway was 3.49 already. 

It looks like it's everywhere going up on the map:

No surprise with the holiday coming.


I saw one gas station selling gas for $3.49 today.  A line had formed at a nearby station that was still selling gas for slightly less.