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I-680 Shirley Road Exit

Started by Rick Rowlands, April 17, 2007, 07:21:22 AM

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Rick Rowlands

If the powers that be are so interested in promoting the Mahoning Valley Corridor of Opportunity, the vacant land where the YS&T Campbell Works once stood, then why is the easiest and most direct access to the site prohibited to trucks?

Can anyone see a reason why trucks coming north on 680 cannot use the exit to Shirley Road and down to Center Street? It looks much more direct and truck friendly than coming all the way down Midlothian and through a residential area then negotiating the tight corners on Walton Avenue.

I can see why trucks are prohibited from exiting southbound to Shirley Road but I think a better exit ramp could be built to bypass that mess.

Easy truck access would be a great selling point for marketing this property.